Ghost of Tsushima Longbow Location Map - Uchitsune Mythic Tale

Ghost of Tsushima Uchitsune Longbow is the reward you get for completing the Curse of Uchitsune mythic tale side quest. The Curse of Uchitsune Ghost of Tsushima mythic tale takes you all over the map. It even includes a boss duel, making you truly earn the mythic longbow. You have to find a traveling musician in a specific location to begin, and then follow wherever the quest takes you. To help you on your journey, in our Ghost of Tsushima Longbow – Uchitsune Mythic Tale guide, we’re going to show you where to start the quest, and how to complete it to get the mythic weapon.

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ghost of tsushima uchitsune longbow location map mythic tale

Hiyoshi Springs musician location

To find the Ghost of Tsushima Longbow, you first have to start and complete the Curse of Uchitsune mythic tale. To do that, you have to find and speak with the traveling musician in Hiyoshi Springs. You’ll find him kneeling on a small stage surrounded by listeners near the Hiyoshi Bamboo Strike. We got the hint of where Curse of Uchitsune begins from a random peasant on a small farm north of Azamo Bay. Mind you, we only found this guy after we liberated Azamo Bay.

Curse of Uchitsune Mythic Tale – blue flowers, tomb, banner

The first step of the quest towards the Uchitsune Ghost of Tsushima Longbow leads you east of Hiyoshi Springs. You’ll search for blue flowers. As you head into the forest, you’ll soon come across a trail of blue flowers leading towards a hill covered with them. At the bottom of the hill, there’s a crack you can squeeze through to enter Uchitsune’s tomb. You should then drop down and examine the banner to receive your next clue. Then, travel north along the coast, past Isonade Coast, and keep your eyes to the east looking for an island with more blue flowers. Swim to it, and inspect another banner.

Ghost of Tsushima Longbow Location

Now, head southwest to central Hiyoshi, to the area between Jade Hills and Hiyoshi Springs, west of Sensei Ishikawa’s dojo. Just follow the marker on the map until you reach another area of blue flowers, and pick Uchitsune’s longbow from the altar there. As you might have suspected, you’ll now have to fight the monk with the tengu demon mask. After you kill him, the Uchitsune Ghost of Tsushima longbow is yours. It has awesome zoom capabilities and does a lot of damage, but it’s really slow. Plus, it doesn’t allow you to crouch while aiming. Oh, and explosive arrows!

In case you need a more visual guide to fond Ghost of Tsushima longbow you might want to check out our video guide from our youtube channel. While you’re there it would be much appreciated if you subscribed. This will help us make more great video and visual content.

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Author JoeTheBard profile picture
A language teacher and video game enthusiast turned rogue, Joe is on a quest to become the ultimate gaming journalist. This is somewhat hampered by his belief that the golden age of gaming ended with the PlayStation One, but he doesn't let that stop him. His favorite games include Soul Reaver and Undertale. Other interests are D'n'D, dad rock, complaining about movies, and being the self-appointed office funny man, which nobody else agrees with.