Pick Snowballs GTA 5 Online, How to Pick Up & Throw Snowballs

It’s been a very strong year for GTA 5 Online. Recently, The Contract DLC expansion was released and brought a heap of new content to the game. Now, with the end of the year very close in sight, the game has also received its customary winter update, covering the gameworld in snow. And, of course, where there is snow, snowballs are never far behind. But how to pick up and throw these snowballs so that you can get in some truly epic snow fights? Our Pick Snowballs GTA 5 Online, How to Pick Up & Throw Snowballs guide is here to help answer this question, for both the PC as well as consoles.

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Pick Snowballs GTA 5 Online, How to Pick Up & Throw Snowballs

How to Pick Up & Throw Snowballs in GTA 5 Online PC

Snowballs are a type of seasonal item in GTA Online. Naturally, they only appear during the Winter update. They don’t do a lot of damage – you will need to throw and hit a pedestrian three times with one of them until they die, and a player will take 10 hits (at full health) to die. There is also a chance that a pedestrian or player will be knocked out for a short while if you hit them directly in the head. In any case, if you are playing on the PC, you will need to be unarmed in order to pick up a snowball. You also have to stand on a snow-covered spot. Press G and you will pick up a snowball. You can store up to nine snowballs at once, and select them using the weapon wheel.

How to Pick Up & Throw Snowballs in GTA 5 Online PS and Xbox

The process of picking up and throwing Snowballs on the PS and Xbox functions pretty much the same as it does on the PC. You also need to be unarmed and standing on a snow-covered surface. Press the left arrow on the D-pad and you will pick up a snowball. Like on the PC version, you can have up to nine snowballs in your inventory. Select the snowball from the weapon wheel to then throw it at your target.

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A lifelong gamer, Vladimir was always interested in gaming and what makes games tick. Before long, he found himself writing about games as well as playing them. No stranger to game guides which have often helped him make just the right decision in a particularly difficult quest, he’s very happy to be able to help his fellow gamers and give a little back to his favorite pastime.