Apex Legends Problem Processing Game Logic

Apex Legends players have been getting an error message saying there was a problem processing game logic recently. This bug stops those affected from playing, but there are several quick and easy workarounds that could have you back in the game in no time. Read on to see how to fix Apex Legends problem processing game logic.

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apex legends problem processing game logic
Apex Legends Problem Processing Game Logic

There was a problem processing game logic – Apex Legends

The problem is mostly affecting folks on Playstation 4. If you’re experiencing this issue, the first thing you should try is to restart the console from the power menu. This usually clears things up.

If that doesn’t help, your next step should be to delete the game’s save data. Not the game itself, mind you – that won’t even help, you’ll just have to wait for it to download again. Just delete the game’s data in storage, and it’ll act like you’ve cleared the cache – you’ll have to log back in, and everything should be fine once again.

Some players have reported having success with logging into a different account, then switching back to their main one. If you have a spare account at your disposal, you could try this as well.

If you go the delete storage data route, make sure to check the in-game settings once it’s up and running – those might be reset as well. Let us know in the comments whether any of these techniques helped you deal with the problem processing game logic in Apex Legends. If none of them help, you should reach out to EA’s support, either directly via email, or by way of their official forum – they’re pretty responsive, all things considered. If you’ve discovered a workaround that isn’t mentioned in the article, feel free to share and we’ll look into it.

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Ketchua has been writing about games for far too long. As Señor Editor, he produces words (and stuff) for Gosunoob. There are a lot of words (and stuff) there, so he's terribly busy. Especially if you need something.