Back 4 Blood How to Get More Cards

Cards are one of the most important and most unique aspects of Back 4 Blood. They modify how the game will be played, giving players bonuses and penalties. As such, players who are new to B4B are curious about how to get more cards. There are several ways that you can do this, and in this Back 4 Blood How to Get More Cards guide, we will go over each method and explain what you need to do.

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Back 4 Blood How to Get More Cards

How to Unlock More Cards Back 4 Blood

The first and most common way to earn more cards in B4B is to earn Supply Points. This is a form of currency in Back 4 Blood. You will be using SP to purchase cards and other items through Chenda, your Supply Lines vendor. Completing missions on higher difficulties will award you with more Supply Points. You will start with just one Supply Line, but others will become available soon. A single Supply Line will usually get you between 4 and 7 Cards. If you are interested in maximizing your Supply Points gain, we have a great guide on the best ways to farm Supply Points.

The other method to earn more Back 4 Blood Cards is through Achievements. These are called Accomplishments in B4B. There are many Cards which are associated with these Accomplishments and which you won’t be able to get through any other means. Let’s take the Lucky Pennies Card as an example. To earn it, you will have to finish the Bar Room Blitz chapter and ensure that the Jukebox doesn’t break. Other such Cards are unlocked by doing things such as getting a certain number of kills with a particular weapon type, and similar actions. So, simply play the game at your own leisure and you should be able to unlock many of these just by playing as you normally would.

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A lifelong gamer, Vladimir was always interested in gaming and what makes games tick. Before long, he found himself writing about games as well as playing them. No stranger to game guides which have often helped him make just the right decision in a particularly difficult quest, he’s very happy to be able to help his fellow gamers and give a little back to his favorite pastime.