How to Beat Championship Qualifier Challenge CoC
The Championship Qualifier Challenge is currently underway in Clash of Clans. Like many such challenges, it involves a difficult battle. Doing it is hard enough on its own, but to 3 Star it, you’re probably going to need some help. That’s why we are here, to explain how to beat the Championship Qualifier Challenge in CoC. Using this explanation, you will be able to quickly and reliably get 3 stars in this and complete the challenge in no time.

How to Beat Championship Qualifier Challenge in Clash of Clans
Once the challenge starts, immediately take out Lightning and Earthquake and place them at the wall that is separating the Inferno and Town Hall. Earthquake, followed by the six Lightning. This is going to take out the Inferno and buildings adjacent to it. Next, put the Archer Queen to attack the Wizard Tower at the bottom-right corner and the Healers next to her. The Flame Flinger should go at 3 o’clock there. Place one Archer next to the Gold Mine and one to the Elixir Collector at the opposite end of the map, and a Wizard to the Dark Elixir Drill over at the bottom there.
The third Archer should be placed next to the Flame Flinger. The next phase of the battle begins once the Archer Queen destroys the Wizard Tower in her path. Immediately after that, place the Giant and Wizard next to the Cannon below the destroyed Wizard Tower, and then three Super Witches, two regular Witches, and a Grand Warden to the right. The other Super Witch to the left side. Once the Archer Queen enters the area inside, use the Rage spell and Grand Warden ability there. Next, use the Barbarian King on the Dark Barracks in the upper left corner. After he enters the base, send the Royal Champion after him. Now you need to take care of the enemy King, so use the Freeze spell on him. Place the Baby Dragon on the Cannon to the top and the Minion and the two Barbarians close to it. After that, it’s just a matter of cleanup and destroying the remaining enemy forces.