Brawlhalla Legends That Have Traveled to Outer Space
One of the latest weekly challenges in Brawlhalla has been giving many players a lot of grief. To quote the challenge itself, it requires that you “Win matches with Legends that have traveled through Outer Space.” While this isn’t that difficult in itself, knowing which characters from Brawlhalla fit this description is another matter altogether, and it necessitates that you know all of their backstories inside and out. Since there are dozens of playable characters in Brawlhalla, this isn’t an easy task. Luckily, we’re here to help you answer which Brawlhalla Legends That Have Traveled to Outer Space you should select to complete this challenge.

Win Matches with Legends That Have Traveled to Outer Space
We have identified four characters that are associated with outer space and who should be able to complete this challenge. Of course, we will update the guide if we find any more. And, if you know of any Legends that we haven’t mentioned here, feel free to share your findings in the comments below. So, let’s begin:
- Scarlet. Known as Lady Necessity, The daVinci of Steam, Scarlet is a young inventor. Among her numerous inventions are: the steam dirigible, the aether oculuscope, the undersea bathydrome, the electric light bulb, the rocket lance, and the first practicable space travel, to name just a few.
- Vector. This Superbot is obviously modelled after the robots from Transformers. A time and space-travelling Legend, he is also someone associated with outer space.
- Artemis. This Legend is a no-brainer. Known as The Answer, she is a science fiction character through and through. Her entire design and backstory that explicitly revolve around space wouldn’t be out of place in a best-selling SF novel (or a video game).
- Reno. Reno is pretty much guaranteed to have been in outer space, being a bounty hunter from space.
Probably Ada
Scarlet doesn’t work, I won three matches with her and still have not gotten a single match from a legend who’s travelled to outer space.
I think the new arcadia is one to i did it with orion and got two
scarlet doesn’t work i just tried it
Rayman appears to be one as well. Not sure where exactly this comes into play. Maybe the Rabbids going to the moon because they think it’s their home, but I know it counts.
Orion and Lord Vraxx as well