How to Dive in MLB The Show 22
If you need to know how to dive in MLB The Show 22, we’ve got your back. We’ll show you exactly how to do a dive with your fielder. While doing the move is risky and kinda tricky, it can pay off. It might take some getting used to, though. All that said, let’s see how to do a dive in MLB 22.

MLB The Show 22 How to Dive
To dive in MLB The Show 22, you can do two things. The first one is to press the right trigger on your controller. On Xbox, that’s RT, R2 on PlayStation, and ZR on Nintendo Switch. I do love how Nintendo names its buttons. Anyway, the second way to dive is to use the right controller stick. Move the stick to the left to dive to the left, or right to dive to the right. Of course, you can only do this as a fielder, but that should go without saying. And on PC, well… the game is not out on PC at time of writing. If that version does ever come into being, we’ll be sure to update the guide to reflect the fact.
And there you have it, that’s how to dive in MLB The Show 22. Obviously, it’s going to take some practice to get the timing right, but you’ll figure it out soon enough. Do keep in mind that diving is always a risky move, especially in the outfield. If you misjudge, you can pretty much kiss the outfielder goodbye. Even in the infield, it’s not risk-free; albeit, the consequences won’t necessarily be as dire. So, only dive if you’re absolutely certain you’ve got it. Aside from the few practice tries, of course. If you need help with something else in the game, we’ve got a few more MLB The Show 22 guides, like Best Batting Stance and How to Start Road to The Show.