King Legacy Codes Roblox January 2022
The new Roblox King Legacy January 2022 codes are out, and by that, I mean there’s basically one that’s new, but it’s not the only one that’s still active. Be sure to redeem them all before they expire. In this guide, we’ll show you all the currently active codes in King Legacy, as well as explain how to redeem them.

Codes for King Legacy Roblox January 2022
There are currently six active January 2022 Roblox codes in King Legacy, one of which is pretty new. That’s the one we’ve put at the very top of the list for your convenience. The other five are older, but still work at the time of writing. Of course, the developers might pull them at any moment, so make sure that you’ve redeemed them all before that happens. Reminder that we have no control over how the codes come and go, that’s entirely under the purview of the makers. So, all that said, here are the codes.
- THXFOR1BVISIT – Redeem the code to get a stat reset
- 1MFAV – Redeem the code to get five Gems
- 500KLIKES – Redeem the code to get a stat reset
- DinoxLive – Redeem to the code to get 100,000 Cash
- Peodiz – Redeem to the code to get 100,000 Cash
- Update3 – Redeem the code to get three Gems
So, those are the Roblox King Legacy January 2022 codes. There might be others in the pipeline, so we’ll be sure to keep you updated. With that out of the way, let’s see how to actually redeem all these. The first step is to launch the game, of course. Then, tap the Settings button under your health bar in the upper left side of the screen. In the new window that will appear, select “Code” and then just enter one of the codes into the text box (either type them in manually or just use copy-paste). It’s all pretty simple, really. Rinse and repeat until you’ve used up all the active codes.
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