Serious Sam 4 Level 1 Secrets - Death from Above Secret Locations

Secrets Locations in Serious Sam 4 Death from Above Level 1 are hidden all across the stage, and include the likes of armor, ammo and health depots, gadgets, and more. Finding secrets in Serious Sam 4 is highly recommended, since they always grant you very useful stuff. Plus, they give you extra points at the end of the stage. So, in our Serious Sam 4 Level 1 Secrets – Death from Above Secret Locations guide, we’ll show you where to find them all.

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serious sam 4 level 1 secrets death from above secret locations
Serious Sam 4 Level 1 Secrets – Death from Above Secret Locations
  1. Secret Rocket Launcher
  2. Secret Depot
  3. Secret Armor
  4. Secret Armor
  5. Secret Depot
  6. Secret Armor
  7. Secret Depot
  8. Secret Boss

#1 Secret Rocket Launcher Location Serious Sam 4 – Death from Above

To find the secret Rocket Launcher in Serious Sam mission Death from Above, head into the tunnel at the very start of the mission, from the burning van. Once in the tunnel, take a right all the way towards the sandbag barricade, then take a left. Head all the way to the end of the corridor. That’s where you’ll find a large, broken cabinet next to a burning barrel. Look behind the cabinet to find the secret Rocket Launcher.

secret rocket launcher location serious sam 4 level 1

#2 Where to Find Secret Depot in Serious Sam 4 Level 1?

Proceed through the level until you get to the open area surrounded by pillars. Head to the right, behind the large bush, and you’ll find a small block that you can hop onto. Turn around and jump onto the narrow brown platform in front of you, then onto the one to the right. Now turn to your right, and jump onto the next set of platforms. Turn right and jump again. Repeat that again, and then once more. Now, turn left, and jump up to the secret depot.

#3 Serious Sam 4 Level 1 Secret Armor – Where to Find

To find the next secret in Serious Sam 4 Level 1, (armor, in this case), proceed through the level from the place we described above and hug the right wall. The first right will take you to the stash under the metal roof, which is nice, but not what we need. Instead, keep going until you find the giant bush. Behind said bush is where the secret armor is stashed. Noticing a pattern of things hidden behind bushes? That’s our lot in this level.

#4 Where to Find Death from Above Secrets Locations – Serious Sam 4 Level 1 Secret Armor

To find the next secret location in Serious Sam Level 1 Death from Above, you have to accept the side objective to explore the EDF Facility. Climb up towards the first shooting gallery. The way forward is down the stairs, but head immediately to the right instead, as soon as you enter the “arena”. There’s a large bush in the corner, but there’s also a gap in the wall that you can squeeze through. Follow this path and go into the opening on the left. That’s where you’ll find a secret armor.

#5 Secret Depot Location in Serious Sam 4 Level 1 – Health & Ammo

Proceed through the level until you fight the two Sirian Werebulls. Go into the building you just unlocked, and climb up the stairs. As soon as you’re back out on the streets, head to the right and follow the road. Go between the concrete blocks and you’ll come across the secret depot of ammo and health. This is one of the easier secrets you can find.

#6 Serious Sam 4 Death From Above Secret Armor – Were to Find

From the previous secret, head back onto the path you’re supposed to be on. In a short while, you’ll come across a yellow truck surrounded by several headless soldiers. Clear them out, then climb onto the roof of the white van next to the truck. From there, hop onto the roof of the truck, and walk onto the trailer. There’s the secret armor.

secret armor locations serious sam 4 level 1 death from above

#7 Death From Above Level 1 Serious Sam 4 Secret Depot Location

From the yellow truck we discussed above, head straight forward. Do not go through the large double doors on the left. Instead, proceed straight towards the two cars in the corner. There’s a large bush behind one of the cars. Jump behind said bush, and you’ll find the secret depot. It contains some armor, shotgun shells, and a whole bunch of little health pickups. It’s gonna come in very handy considering what’s waiting for you shortly.

secret depot location serious sam 4 death from above level 1

#8 Where to Find Secret Boss Location in Serious Sam 4 Level 1 Death from Above

To find the secret boss in Secret Boss in Serious Sam 4 Level 1 Death from Above, head through the aforementioned double doors, and keep to the left. Eventually, you’ll come across a bridge. Cross it, and you’ll end up at a gate with a warning sign. Shoot the sign, and turn around. Surprise, it’s a beefed-up Sirian Bull, pardon the pun! For visual aid for finding the secret boss (and all the other secrets), check out our video below.

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A language teacher and video game enthusiast turned rogue, Joe is on a quest to become the ultimate gaming journalist. This is somewhat hampered by his belief that the golden age of gaming ended with the PlayStation One, but he doesn't let that stop him. His favorite games include Soul Reaver and Undertale. Other interests are D'n'D, dad rock, complaining about movies, and being the self-appointed office funny man, which nobody else agrees with.