Victoria 3 Console Commands and Cheats
Victoria 3 console commands and cheats are available in this game just as it was the case with all titles before it. Console commands are shortcuts that allow you to experiment with the game and also get easy access to different resources. In this Victoria 3 console commands and cheat codes guide, we’ll show you how to access cheats as well as a full list of console commands.

Victoria 3 Console Commands and Cheats
Before enabling console commands and using cheat codes you’ll have to open the game in Debug Mode. If you don’t know how to access Debug Mode just press ~ (tilde) key. You can also activate debug mode through the launcher. Right click the launcher and select Properties. In the Launch Option dialog box enter -debug_mod. Once you open the console just copy the commands from the list below and press enter to execute them.
We would like to say a huge thank you to the r/Victoria3leaks reddit community for collecting most of the commands in the table below. These are not all available commands in the game, we will update the list as soon as we unveil the new ones.
Console Commands | Explanation |
add_approval [interest group] [amount] [time] | Increase the approval of interest groups for a limited time |
add_clout [interest group] [amount] [time] | Increase the clout of interest groups for a limited time |
add_ideology [interest group] [ideology to add] | Change an ideology of an interest groups |
add_loyalist [culture] [amount] | Add amount of loyalists to a culture in your country |
add_radical [culture] [amount] | Add amount of radicals to a culture in your country |
add_relations [country tag] [amount] | Add relations to a culture in your country |
add_war_support [country tag] [amount] | Add war support to a country in a war |
annex [TAG] | Country annexation |
annex_all | Annex all countries |
change_law [law] | Change law to the specific one |
check_pollution_level [State region tag] | Shows the pollution level for the specified state region |
conquerall [Country tag] | Set country under your control |
date [] | Changes the in-game date to the specified date |
debug_mode | Toggles debug mode |
escalate [amount] | Adds escalation |
event [event-Name] | Start an event |
fastbuild | Builds buildings instantly |
fastenact | Fast change of political laws |
fasthire | No hiring limit |
fastinstitutions | Quick change of institution |
fastinterests | No interests enabling time |
fastmobilize | Instant mobilization |
fastresearch | Instant research |
fastrevolution | Instant revolution |
fastsecession | Instant secession |
fasttravels | Instant travels for generals |
fow | Starts Fog of war |
Graphics.CapFramerate [FPS] | Caps the framerates at the specified FPS value |
help [keyword] | Lists relevant commands related to that keyword |
help | List all commands |
kill_character [character name] | Kills a character |
money [Amount] | Adds value to balance |
Music.StopTrack | Stop playing the current track |
Music.PlayTrack (track name) | Play the track |
net_stats | Shows network statistics |
norevolution | Disables revolutions |
observe | Switch to observer mode |
own [province id/state region tag] [country tag] | Transfers control of state/province to country |
popstat | Lists amount of active pops |
protrait_editor | Opens the protrait editor |
province borders (true/false) | Shows or hides province borders |
reload | Reload assets |
research [Tech name] | Quick technology research |
set_devastation_level [state region tag] [amount] | Sets the devastation level of the entire state region to the specified amount |
set_pollution_level [State region tag] [amount] | Set pollution level in specified state region |
skip_migration | Toggles migration skipping |
switchlanguage (language name) | Switches language |
tag [TAG] | Switch to another country |
time | Show system time |
version | Shows game version |
yesmen | AI agrees with all diplomatic offers |