Harry Potter Wizards Unite How to Complete Trace in Different Countries

Complete a Trace in Different Countries is an achievement you can get in Harry Potter Wizards Unite, which requires you to go and do a trace outside your own country. Now, sure, traveling is always fun and great, but not everybody can afford to hop between countries, just to complete an achievement in HP Wizars Unite. Fortunately, there’s a very handy workaround that makes it very easy. At least, there currently is. That said, here’s our guide in which we’ll show you how to complete a trace in different countries in HP Wizards Unite.

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Harry Potter Wizards Unite How to Complete Trace in Different Countries
Harry Potter Wizards Unite How to Complete Trace in Different Countries

How to Get Complete Trace in Different Countries Achievement in HP Wizards Unite?

To get the Complete Trace in Different Countries achievement in Harry Potter Wizards Unite, all you have to do is change the language on your phone. Yes, it really is that simple. Just go into your device settings, and switch the language. Then, go back into the game, and complete a trace. Boom, you’re done. I mean, sure, you could visit other countries to pull it off instead, but we can agree that this method saves oodles on travel costs, right?

UPDATE: According to our readers R and Sarah W (thanks, people), you also have to change the phone’s region, not just the language. So, if switching the language on your phone doesn’t work, try changing the region, as well.

Now, this method works at the time of writing this article. Niantic might patch it out once they catch a whiff of it. I mean, this system makes completing the achievement incredibly easy. It really is an extreme exploit, and I really doubt that the developers are gonna let it stand. In other words, start changing those languages fast, while you still can. The clock is ticking, I’m pretty sure, and it’s really gonna spare both your wallet and your time.

And that’s the easiest way to complete a trace in different countries in HP Wizards Unite. In case you need further help, check out some of our other Wizards Unite guides. Among other articles, we’ve got Spell Energy – How to Get Energy, Lens & Stickers Usage – How to Apply Cosmetics, and Restricted Section Books – How to Get Them.

Author JoeTheBard profile picture
A language teacher and video game enthusiast turned rogue, Joe is on a quest to become the ultimate gaming journalist. This is somewhat hampered by his belief that the golden age of gaming ended with the PlayStation One, but he doesn't let that stop him. His favorite games include Soul Reaver and Undertale. Other interests are D'n'D, dad rock, complaining about movies, and being the self-appointed office funny man, which nobody else agrees with.