Hitman Playstation Plus Beta Announced

IO Interactive and Sony are partnering to bring us an open beta for Hitman. It will take place during the weekend (March 4th through 6th) and let you play the prologue mission.
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All Playstation Plus subscribers are welcome to give it a go.

The beta will give you access to the prologue mission, set 20 years before the events of the game. It will show you how Agent 47 ended up joining the ICA. The trailer above bridges the gap between that mission and the game proper. The developers will also hold a livestream tour of the beta for all those who don’t care to try it out themselves.

There will be many additions to the game compared to the previous one, part of which they’ve decided to call the “live component”. The Contracs mode is making a return, joined by new stuff like Elusive Targets and Escalation Mode.

Elusive Targets will task you with killing a particular target, but will impose a time limit. You’ll only have one shot, and if you fail, you’ll lose the target forever. Escalation Mode will become progressively more difficult by adding in objectives on the fly – making you delete security footage a couple of minutes after it’s been recorded, for instance.

Finally, Playstation players will get several exclusive contracts under the name The Sarajevo Six. These will be their own, contained story arc, and will be released gradually in the coming months, with the first being available on release.

Hitman is going to be released on March 11th, on PC, Playstation 4 and Xbox One.

Author Ketchua profile picture
Ketchua has been writing about games for far too long. As Señor Editor, he produces words (and stuff) for Gosunoob. There are a lot of words (and stuff) there, so he's terribly busy. Especially if you need something.