Chicago Outfit DLC Not Showing in Mafia Definitive Edition

Mafia Definitive Edition Chicago Outfit pre-order DLC not showing is an issue that several players have been encountering. Some of them couldn’t download and install the Chicago Outfit DLC in Mafia Definitive Edition. Others have installed it, but can’t find their pre-order items in the game itself. With that said, in our Chicago Outfit DLC Not Showing in Mafia Definitive Edition guide, we’ll show you how to find your missing Mafia Definitive Edition pre-order DLC.

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chicago outfit dlc not showing in mafia definitive edition
Chicago Outfit DLC Not Showing in Mafia Definitive Edition

Where to Find Missing Mafia Definitive Edition Chicago Outfit Pre-Order DLC

To find the Chicago Outfit DLC in Mafia Definitive Edition, you first have to install it. Go to your store, click on the remake, and scroll until you find the DLC. You can install it from there. Some people have been having trouble downloading the Chicago Outfit, but that should not be happening now. The cause of this “problem” was that Mafia Definitive Edition wasn’t out yet. Now that it has launched, you should be able to install it at your leisure. If not, well, the only solution is to contact customer support, unfortunately.

Now, even when you download the Mafia Definitive Edition Chicago Outfit DLC, that doesn’t mean you’ll get instant access to it. Instead, you’ll have to play in Free Ride mode, then access your wardrobe. We’ve covered that in detail in our Mafia Definitive Edition Outfits – Change Clothes guide, but here’s a quick rundown. Complete the first story mission to unlock Free Ride, then go into the main menu and select it. Go into Salieri’s Bar, head upstairs, and to the left. You’ll find the wardrobe in that room. Interact with it and select the outfit you want. For the car, you have to go into the garage down at street level.

So, there you have it. That’s how you find the Mafia Definitive Edition Chicago Outfit pre-order DLC if it’s not showing up for you. For more information on the matter, check out our Mafia Definitive Edition Pre Order Bonus – Gold Pistol, Don Outfit, Limo guide. I think you’ll find it pretty useful.

Author JoeTheBard profile picture
A language teacher and video game enthusiast turned rogue, Joe is on a quest to become the ultimate gaming journalist. This is somewhat hampered by his belief that the golden age of gaming ended with the PlayStation One, but he doesn't let that stop him. His favorite games include Soul Reaver and Undertale. Other interests are D'n'D, dad rock, complaining about movies, and being the self-appointed office funny man, which nobody else agrees with.