Avengers Beta Start Time - Unable to Connect to Square Enix Servers

Beta start time of Marvel’s Avengers has been something that players have been wondering about, especially since a lot of people have been getting the Unable to Connect to Square Enix Servers error message. Presumably, people are wondering why they can’t access the Avengers beta, assuming that it’s already out for them. Well, we’re here to clear up the confusion. In our Avengers Beta Start Time – Unable to Connect to Square Enix Servers guide, we’re going to show you exactly when the beta is going to begin in your region.

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avengers beta start time unable to connect to square enix servers
Avengers Beta Start Time – Unable to Connect to Square Enix Servers

When is Marvel’s Avengers Beta Start Time

The start time of the Marvel’s Avengers beta is 9PM local time, and the same goes for the ending time. So, when the clock strikes 9PM wherever you’re playing, that’s when the beta will start for you. Right now, only PlayStation 4 players have access to the content, from Friday, August 7th to Sunday, August 9th, and that’s only if you’ve pre-ordered the game. It’s already up for preloading, by the way, if you want to start playing asap.

From Friday, August 14th to Sunday, August 16th, the PS4 beta goes into open access, meaning even those that haven’t pre-ordered it will be able to play. In the same time frame, the Xbox One and PC closed betas will be in progress. Pre-loading begins on August 13th. Lastly, from Friday, August 21st to Sunday, August 23rd, the Marvel’s Avengers beta will be in open access on all three platforms. You can start preloading it on August 20th.

Currently Unable to Connect to Square Enix Servers Avengers Error Message

If you’re getting the Avengers “Currently Unable to Connect to Square Enix Servers” error, that simply means that the beta hasn’t started in your area yet. You simply have to wait patiently for the rollout to reach your time zone. As we’ve said above, the Marvel’s Avengers beta begins at 9PM local time. So, it’s not one of those situations where the event happens everywhere at the same time.

During the Avengers beta, you’ll be able to experience a large chunk of the single player campaign, as well as the co-op War Zone and Drop Zone missions (no cross-play, unfortunately). Also, you’ll have access to the HARM challenge rooms. Lastly, you’ll get a taste of both the hero progression and world progression system, up to Hero Level 15 and Power Level 45.

How to Play Avengers Beta on PS4

To play the Avengers Beta on PS4, you have to have the game pre-ordered already. Then, you have to wait for the beta to start in your region. it bears repeating; all Avengers betas will start at 9PM local time. Now, the pre-ordering clause is only for the closed beta, happening at the time of writing. On August 14th and August 21st, you’ll be able to play the Marvel’s Avengers open beta, which will be available for everyone on the PS4.

Author JoeTheBard profile picture
A language teacher and video game enthusiast turned rogue, Joe is on a quest to become the ultimate gaming journalist. This is somewhat hampered by his belief that the golden age of gaming ended with the PlayStation One, but he doesn't let that stop him. His favorite games include Soul Reaver and Undertale. Other interests are D'n'D, dad rock, complaining about movies, and being the self-appointed office funny man, which nobody else agrees with.