Snowy Tundra Vault Avengers - Terminal Locations

Snowy Tundra Vault is a secret mission in Marvel’s Avengers. After you’ve unlocked it by finding a vault key, you’ll go into the area and start looking for a Shield bunker. Once inside, you’ll have to battle waves of enemies while you activate terminals by standing on pressure plates in the correct order. Some of these pressure plates are well hidden, and can be especially hard to spot while you’re under heavy enemy fire – which you will be. If you’re having trouble finding them, this guide will show you Avengers Snowy Tundra Vault pressure plate locations.

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marvel's avengers snowy tundra vault pressure plate locations
Snowy Tundra Vault Avengers – Terminal Locations

You’ll be on a timer constantly, so you have to move fast. From time to time, a hacker will appear and start working on a console. If you don’t kill him before the time runs out, he’ll restart the sequence. The instructions are pretty clear, so just follow them and you’ll be fine.

Snowy Tundra Vault terminal locations

Each terminal has its number written on the screen, and a big blue pressure plate in front of it. The first one is in the farther small room to the left of the vault door. The second one is in the other small room to the left, the closer one.

The third terminal is in the farther room to the right of the vault, and the fourth one is in the closer one on the same side.

The fifth pressure plate is the hardest to find. It’s hiding in plain sight, but it’s in a place that’s always overrun by enemies so you’re bound to miss it. It’s in the room with the vault door, by the left wall, hidden behind the elevator shaft.

marvel's avengers snowy tundra vault terminal 5 where to find

You’ll have to complete several different sequences, each one longer than the previous. Luckily, the length of the sequence doesn’t affect difficulty – once you know where the pressure plates are, it’s a cakewalk.

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Ketchua has been writing about games for far too long. As Señor Editor, he produces words (and stuff) for Gosunoob. There are a lot of words (and stuff) there, so he's terribly busy. Especially if you need something.