Midnight Suns Hangout Guide

While superhero comics, movies, and TV shows are best known for their action, character relationships are also a large part of why we love superheroes. The sense of camaraderie and the funny quips and heartwarming banter makes them much more relatable. As such, it’s no wonder that Marvel’s Midnight Suns also has relationship-building in the form of Friendship. There are several ways to build up Friendship with characters. For the purposes of this Midnight Suns guide, we’re going to focus on the Hangout system.

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Midnight Suns Hangout Guide
Midnight Suns Hangout Guide

Marvel’s Midnight Suns Hangouts Explained

As previously mentioned, Hangouts are but one way to increase Friendship with characters. The other methods include giving gifts, and inviting characters to Havens. Hangouts work similarly. So, each night you will get to choose one out of four characters you want to Hangout with. Then, you’ll select one of three activities for you two to enjoy.

Selecting the right spot and activity is really important here. You need to take the personality and preferences of the character that you are going to Hangout with. This is because each Hangout has three possible outcomes: Dislike, Like, and Love. If the character dislikes the chosen activity, you won’t get any Friendship points with them. If they like it, you will earn +5 points, and if they love it, you’ll get +7. You also have a chance to earn an additional +2 points if you give an answer that they respond favorably to during the Hangout.

Midnight Suns Best Hangouts for Heroes

Here’s the list of the best Hangouts for each Midnight Suns character. Picking any of these will result in you getting +7 with that character:

  • Spider-Man: Bird Watching, Deep Conversation, Foraging for Mushrooms, Painting, Picnic, Playing Video Games, Stargazing, and Watching a Movie.
  • Captain America: Deep Conversation, Playing Cards, Reading by the Fire, and Working Out.
  • Wolverine: Exploring the Grounds, Fishing, Having a Drink, Pool Lounging, and Playing Cards.
  • Iron Man: Picnic, Pool Lounging, Playing Cards, Playing Video Games, and Reading by the Fire.
  • Doctor Strange: Deep Conversation, Exploring the Grounds, Foraging for Mushrooms, Meditation, and Reading by the Fire.
  • Captain Marvel: Picnic, Playing Cards, Reading by the Fire, Stargazing, and Working Out.
  • Blade: Fishing, Having a Drink, Meditation, and Working Out.
  • Ghost Rider: Fishing, Playing Video Games, Pool Lounging, Watching a Movie, and Working Out.
  • Magik: Having a Drink, Painting, Meditation, Reading by the Fire, and Stargazing.
  • Nico: Deep Conversation, Picnic, Pool Lounging, Stargazing, and Watching a Movie.
  • Scarlet Witch: Deep Conversation, Exploring the Grounds, Meditation, Pool Lounging, and Reading by the Fire.
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A lifelong gamer, Vladimir was always interested in gaming and what makes games tick. Before long, he found himself writing about games as well as playing them. No stranger to game guides which have often helped him make just the right decision in a particularly difficult quest, he’s very happy to be able to help his fellow gamers and give a little back to his favorite pastime.