Multiplayer & Co-Op in Monster Hunter Rise

Monster Hunter Rise is close to launch, and the ever-ravenous fanbase can’t wait to sink their teeth into the new game. Of course, one of the major draws of the series is playing in multiplayer co-op, and people are wondering how it’s going to work in MH Rise. After all, this one will be a Nintendo Switch exclusive. With that said, in our Multiplayer & Co-Op in Monster Hunter Rise guide, we’ll show you how the system will work.

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multiplayer & co-op in monster hunter rise
Multiplayer & Co-Op in Monster Hunter Rise

How to Play Monster Hunter Rise Co-Op & Multiplayer

To play Monster Hunter Rise multiplayer and co-op, there are two ways you can go about it. The first one is local co-op (aka couch co-op, if you prefer). In order to access it, pick “Multiplayer” from the game’s main menu, then hit “Play Locally.” From there, you can either create a lobby, or look for a lobby. Mind you, only one player needs to make a lobby; if all of you make one, you’ll all end up in separate games. You can set a password if you so choose. This method doesn’t require neither Nintendo Switch Online, nor an internet connection.

The other option is to play online. Go into Multiplayer, and then pick “Play Online.” From there, you’ll have three options – Find Lobby, Create Lobby, and Search by Lobby ID. Find Lobby lets you set several parameters, allowing you to find just the right place for you. Create Lobby is pretty self-explanatory. Lastly, Search by Lobby ID lets you find a specific one; the feature lets you find and join your friends very easily.

A few more things to mention about multiplayer and co-op in Monster Hunter Rise. For one, the maximum number of players per lobby is four. The monster’s health will scale with the number of people, so don’t expect an easier time. You can only bring one Palamute and Palico companion on these adventures, as opposed to the usual two. There’s a few more points, but I’ll leave them for you to discover.

Author JoeTheBard profile picture
A language teacher and video game enthusiast turned rogue, Joe is on a quest to become the ultimate gaming journalist. This is somewhat hampered by his belief that the golden age of gaming ended with the PlayStation One, but he doesn't let that stop him. His favorite games include Soul Reaver and Undertale. Other interests are D'n'D, dad rock, complaining about movies, and being the self-appointed office funny man, which nobody else agrees with.