Rainbow Pigment MH Rise

Rainbow Pigment is a special item in Monster Hunter Rise. Like other pigments, it is used to change the color of your armor pieces. Unlike other pigments, it doesn’t have a set color – instead, it flashes and rotates colors as time passes. It’s a pretty cool effect, and many people want to get their hands on it. If you’re wondering how to get it, our MH Rise rainbow pigment guide will help you.

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monster hunter rise rainbow pigment
Rainbow Pigment MH Rise

Rainbow Pigment in Monster Hunter Rise

Sadly, nobody knows how to unlock the rainbow pigment in Monster Hunter Rise at this point. It’s even possible that it’s not even in the game yet – the devs have commited to regularly updating the game with new content in the coming months. This means that the rainbow pigment might be added at a later date.

In previous games, getting access to the rainbow pigment meant completing all optional quests, capturing and researching all of the monsters, and more. It was a Herculean effort, that much is certain.

For now, we’re absolutely certain you won’t get the MH Rise rainbow pigment by doing the following:

  • Completing every village quest
  • Completing every hub quest
  • Completing every arena quest
  • Completing all villager requests
  • Finding and taking a picture of every endemic life creature
  • Taking a picture of every small monster
  • Taking a picture of every large monster
  • Capturing every large monster
  • Gathering all relics
  • Building all sub-camps
  • Putting down all great wirebugs at jewel lillies

We, and many others, have tried doing all of that and had no success in unlocking the rainbow pigment in Monster Hunter Rise. We’ll keep a close eye on things, and we’ll update the guide when we find out more. If you’ve managed to unlock it yourself, we’d appreciate it if you shared what you did in the comments.

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Ketchua has been writing about games for far too long. As Señor Editor, he produces words (and stuff) for Gosunoob. There are a lot of words (and stuff) there, so he's terribly busy. Especially if you need something.