MHW Iceborne Spiritvein Crystal, Eltalite Ore & Meldspar Ore Locations

Spiritvein Crystal, Eltalite Ore & Meldspar Ore are crafting materials in Monster Hunter World. They’re native to Iceborne’s new region, called Hoardfrost Reach. They’re used in equipment and charm crafting, which means you’ll need a healthy stockpile in order to get the best gear the game has to offer. If you’re having trouble getting your hands on these minerals, our MHW Iceborne Spiritvein Crystal, Eltalite Ore & Meldspar Ore locations guide will help.

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mhw iceborne spiritvein crystal eltalite ore meldspar ore
MHW Iceborne Spiritvein Crystal, Eltalite Ore & Meldspar Ore Locations

Where to find Spiritvein Crystal, Eltalite Ore, Gracium, Purecrystal?

You’ll find all of these minerals as rewards from mining outcrops. There are eleven of them on the new map, and every one of them can drop the materials you’re looking for (in addition to Gracium and Purecrystal). They look like clusters of crystals, and they can be either blue or red. The color is just there for aesthetic purposes, and it doesn’t affect the outcome of your mining operation, as far as we can tell. So just roll up your incredibly stylish sleeves and start whacking away.

monster hunter world spiritvein crystal eltalite ore meldspar ore locations

Compared to, say, bone piles, the mining outcrops are somewhat sparse. Since there’s hardly a dozen of them around, you’ll need to hit each and every one in order to farm more efficiently. Once you’ve emptied them, head back to the hub – when you come back, their supplies will be replenished. If you start at the bottom camp, you can grab one in zone 2, and another in zone 4, in the tunnel that connects the two. Head north from there and get two from zone 6 (one in the south, one in the north). Then go east and get the three from zone 7. Zone 11 is home to three outcrops, along the walls of the main chamber. The last one is a bit out of the way – it’s in the dead end tunnel in the south of zone 8.