New Moments Challenge Ricky Rubio
Nba 2K17 released a new MyTeam Moments challenge featuring Ricky Rubio. It was inspired by his recent amazing performance against Houston Rockets, where he managed to get 17 assists, 10 points, 3 rebounds and helped his team take the victory. You can check the full challenge details below:

- You need to use any version of Ricky Rubio. At the moment, there are 3 available. The worst one is 75 Overall, with his playmaking set to 84, Outside scoring to 68, and 67 to defending. The second one is slightly better at 79 overall, and the latest version is set to 82 overall with a 94 rating in the playmaking category.
- You need to have 17 assists with Ricky Rubio and win the game.
- The reward is 5000 MT.
- Difficulty is set to All-Star.
- Your team lineup overall must be below 80. You can switch your reserves for players with very low ratings, therefore reducing the overall rating of your lineup.
- The quarter length is set to 5 minutes.
- Ricky Rubio has really good stats in the passing category, and if played correctly, you shouldn’t have a lot of problems completing this challenge. Constant running of pick and rolls with Rubio as the ball handler should get you a lot of assists. Just make sure that you time your passes correctly to avoid unnecessary turnovers. Feeding your big men in the post will get you a lot of assists.
- Run some plays and wait for your guards to get open after a solid off-ball movement.
- Good physical defense and intercepting passing lanes will grant you some extra possessions, making this challenge much easier.
- As with any other moments challenge, use shoes to boost Rubio’s stats in different ways, especially stamina and speed.
- If you don’t have Ricky Rubio’s card, consider searching in the auction house.
- Have fun and make use of the Rubio’s flashy pass abilities for some highlight reel material.