Bayonetta on the Switch Possibly Teased by PlatinumGames

PlatinumGames might be hinting at a Nintendo Switch version of Bayonetta. On their new Japanese Twitter account, they posted some very telling artwork. They put together a short-haired Bayonetta on a blue background and long-haired Bayonetta on a red background, arranged just like two of the Switch’s Joy-Con controllers.

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Bayonetta on the Switch Possibly Teased by PlatinumGames
Bayonetta on the Switch Possibly Teased by PlatinumGames

When the first Bayonetta launched back in 2010, it was a huge hit. People loved the fun, fast-paced combat, even though the story wasn’t much and the QTE events could get a little grating. The game sold about 1.35 million copies, probably even more now that it got a Steam release back in April 2017. The sequel didn’t do to well, though, and it came to nobody’s surprise. The game launched as a Wii-U exclusive, which it still is, so naturally, a precious few people picked it up.

Now, even though there’s no real talk about Bayonetta 3 yet, the series seems to have gotten a new lease on life with the Steam release. It sold over 100.000 copies in just a week, so there’s definitely still a market for Bayonetta out there. So, it would stand to reason that PlatinumGames might want to push the ports a little further. And, on that note, their new Japanese Twitter account posted this recently:

Now, what does that look like? Doesn’t that look just like the standard, neon Switch Joy-Cons? Well, plenty people seem to think so, if the responses to that tweet are anything to go by. And, why not? Considering that Nintendo was the only publisher for Bayonetta 2 (the original was published by both Nintendo and Sega), it would make sense to port the first game on the Switch. As it turned out with the Steam release, people absolutely want more of Bayonetta, and the Switch seems to be a pretty welcoming home for ports. We’ll keep you posted as the story develops.

Author JoeTheBard profile picture
A language teacher and video game enthusiast turned rogue, Joe is on a quest to become the ultimate gaming journalist. This is somewhat hampered by his belief that the golden age of gaming ended with the PlayStation One, but he doesn't let that stop him. His favorite games include Soul Reaver and Undertale. Other interests are D'n'D, dad rock, complaining about movies, and being the self-appointed office funny man, which nobody else agrees with.


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