Mario Kart Tour Mobile App Announced for March 2019
Nintendo has announced another mobile app in the works. This time around, it’ll be Mario Kart. The app will be called Mario Kart Tour, and the planned release window is March 2019. So far, there’s no other information about the app. It will be interesting to learn more as the launch date comes closer.

I honestly find it hard to believe that Nintendo hasn’t done this sooner, but, there you have it. They’ve finally gotten down to it. As announced on the Nintendo of America Twitter, a mobile version of Mario Kart is currently in the works, and it should release by March 2019. Or, as the Tweet puts it: “The checkered flag has been raised and the finish line is near. A new mobile application is now in development: Mario Kart Tour!” So, yeah, in about a year, you’ll be able to play Mario Kart on the go on your smartphone.
This is going to be the next step in Nintendo bringing their different properties to smartphones. Which is interesting, considering that some years ago, they weren’t too keen on the idea. Now, however, we have Super Mario Run, Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp, Fire Emblem Heroes; to say nothing of Pokemon GO. Now, it seems that they’re really playing catch-up pretty hard. Again, I can’t believe that they didn’t go for the mobile market much earlier. It would have made them so much money. Still, I’m sure there’s a lot of time and opportunity to turn a profit.
That being said, I’m curious to see what exactly they’ll do with this Mario Kart Tour thing. Multiplayer has always been the defining feature of Mario Kart games, so I wonder how they’re going to incorporate it into the mobile version. Until it comes out, though, you can just play the Switch version of Mario Kart 8 on the go.