Payday 2 Offering 5 Million Free Copies on Steam

Overkill is offering Payday 2 for free on Steam. The offer is limited to five million copies, on a first-come, first-served basis. Steam users that pick up one of these will only get the base game, since Overkill has pulled all the DLC in anticipation of the upcoming Ultimate Edition. Still, it’s a decent enough way to get into the game and see if you’d want to pick up Payday Ultimate Edition.

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Payday 2 Offering 5 Million Free Copies on Steam
Payday 2 Offering 5 Million Free Copies on Steam

Steam users can now get Payday 2 for free if they act quick. Overkill is offering 5 million copies of the game for the taking, probably to get the hype going for the upcoming Ultimate Edition of the game. To be fair, even though the offer is limited, with 5 million copies up for grabs, it’s highly unlikely that you’ll miss out.

This giveaway from Overkill is a promotional move to endorse the upcoming Payday 2 Ultimate Edition, which you’ll be able to pick up for forty-five dollars once it comes out. While we’re on the subject, Overkill has pulled all the DLC from stores in anticipation of the Ultimate Edition. By the same token, the version of Payday 2 you can get for free is just the base game. Basically, it’s like a very long demo for the Ultimate Edition. You can play the full base game for free, and see if you’re interested in buying the full game with all the extra content once it launches.

Payday 2 originally launched on August 13th, 2013. It came out on Xbox One and 360, PlayStation 3 and 4, Microsoft Windows and Linux. The Nintendo Switch version is set to come out some time in fall 2017. The game is a first-person shooter stealth game best played in multiplayer. You participate in a number of heists, such as robbing banks and armored cars. Another big draw of the game is the extensive character customization, allowing players to have characters with a unique look.

Author JoeTheBard profile picture
A language teacher and video game enthusiast turned rogue, Joe is on a quest to become the ultimate gaming journalist. This is somewhat hampered by his belief that the golden age of gaming ended with the PlayStation One, but he doesn't let that stop him. His favorite games include Soul Reaver and Undertale. Other interests are D'n'D, dad rock, complaining about movies, and being the self-appointed office funny man, which nobody else agrees with.