Rainbow Six Siege Plans Crossplay & Crossprogression Between PC & Cloud Gaming Platforms

Ubisoft have announced on Twitter that they’re working on adding crossplay and crossprogression between PC and cloud gaming platforms to Rainbow Six Siege. In fact, the potential feature is already in the testing phase. At the moment, they have nothing more to say about it, but they will soon. In fact, according to the announcement, they will reveal more info on the matter at some point on June 12th, during their Forward E3 event.

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rainbow six siege plans crossplay & crossprogression between pc & cloud gaming platforms
Rainbow Six Siege Plans Crossplay & Crossprogression Between PC & Cloud Gaming Platforms

Yes, it seems that Ubisoft is setting their sights on making Rainbow Six Siege more accessible to people that play the game on more than just one platform, or have friends that they want to play with, but currently can’t. According to a recent tweet, they are currently testing “crossplay between PC and cloud gaming platforms.” The post also promises further news on the subject, saying: “Tune in to Ubisoft Forward on Saturday, June 12th for more information on Rainbow Six Siege’s plans for Crossplay and Crossprogression.” So, you’ll have to tune back in about two weeks or so to see what they’ve come up with.

At the time of writing, that’s all the information we have. You’ll just have to tune into the Ubisoft Forward E3 event on June 12th to find out what they’ve got in store. Of course, those of you keeping even half an ear to the ground when it comes to Rainbox Six Siege know that Jean-Baptiste Halle, the game’s former director, told PC Gamer in February that they were “actively working on cross-progression and crossplay,” adding: “Within the realm of consoles, I think it would be great if PlayStation and Xbox could play together.” He was, however, less enthused about the prospects of connecting PC and consoles, saying: “I can see the pros, but I can also see the cons. So, for this one, it’s too early for us to communicate.”

Author JoeTheBard profile picture
A language teacher and video game enthusiast turned rogue, Joe is on a quest to become the ultimate gaming journalist. This is somewhat hampered by his belief that the golden age of gaming ended with the PlayStation One, but he doesn't let that stop him. His favorite games include Soul Reaver and Undertale. Other interests are D'n'D, dad rock, complaining about movies, and being the self-appointed office funny man, which nobody else agrees with.