Sea of Thieves Quest for Golden Bananas Has Begun
The Quest for the Golden Banana, a promotional event for Sea of Thieves, has set sail. The first clue is already up, and I’m sure a great number of people have already solved it. The next clue is coming up in less than one hour.

If you’re out of the loop, Sea of Thieves is hosting a huge promotional event. The jist of it is, they’ll be posting a series of clues on their website over the next three days. There will be fifteen clues to solve; each coming out three or four hours after the last. The crew that solves all riddles then submits their answers, and the fastest crews from each eligible region will then participate in the semi-finals. They will take place on March 22nd, when they’ll have to solve one last riddle. The grand prize is four solid-gold bananas, which have been valued at two thousand pounds each (almost 28.000 dollars).
The first clue is now up, and, as of writing this article, there’s less than one hour before the next clue. I won’t give away the answer, because I don’t want you to lose out on the adventure. There’s a video on the website linked above that you have to watch to the end. It will tell you where you need to go next, where the actual riddle is waiting for you. It’s not too difficult. However, I’m certain that the following puzzles will get progressively more difficult. According to the announcement of the quest, some of the riddles will even appear in real-life locations. Of course, you’ll still be able to solve them online, as well.
Now, I’m sure you’re wondering which countries can participate in the competition. The answer is: USA, Canada, the UK, France, Germany, and Australia. Of course, even if you’re not in one of these countries, you can still play along just for the fun of it. And, with that, I’ll leave you with the video below, which sets the backstory of your quest. Hoist the colors, lads and lasses!
You can also check out Where to Find Preorder Bonus Items – Black Dog Pack in Sea of Thieves.