Outer Worlds Peril on Gorgon DLC Trailer & Details Revealed

Good news for all of you that have been craving more Outer Worlds content; on September 9th, Obsidian and Private Division will be releasing the first of two story DLCs planned for the game. It’s going to take you and the crew of the Unreliable to the Gorgon asteroid. Once the location of “Halcyon’s most ambitious and disastrous scientific undertakings”, it is now the equivalent of Mos Eisley. Who knows what dastardly conspiracies lie under the surface? That’ll be up to the player to discover.

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outer worlds peril on gorgon dlc trailer & details revealed
Outer Worlds Peril on Gorgon DLC Trailer & Details Revealed

First off, the nitty-gritty details. As we’ve mentioned, Peril on Gorgon is coming out on September 9th, across all platforms. The price is going to be $15, with a 10% discount for those of you that have an Xbox Game Pass. You’ll also be able to pick up an expansion pass for $25, in which you’ll get both upcoming DLCs. More details are yet to be announced, and we’ll keep you in the loop when they do.

With that out of the way, what awaits you in the upcoming story content? Well, for one, your mission will be to find out what happened to Dr. Olivia Ambrose, the mother of wealthy recluse Minnie Ambrose and “disgraced director” of the project that took place on Gorgon. There will, of course, be new areas to explore, new science weapons to find, and even expanded character customization and lore, including an increased level cap, additional perks and flaws, new armor sets, and more. All the stuff that you’d expect from such a DLC.

Last, but not least, we also got to see the first trailer for Peril on Gorgon, which you can check out below. It’s a mix of gameplay and cinematic elements, so it does a fairly good job of introducing us to the upcoming content. I don’t doubt that we’ll be seeing more as the September launch date draws closer, of course.

Author JoeTheBard profile picture
A language teacher and video game enthusiast turned rogue, Joe is on a quest to become the ultimate gaming journalist. This is somewhat hampered by his belief that the golden age of gaming ended with the PlayStation One, but he doesn't let that stop him. His favorite games include Soul Reaver and Undertale. Other interests are D'n'D, dad rock, complaining about movies, and being the self-appointed office funny man, which nobody else agrees with.