Pikachu Pokemon BDSP - How to Get Pikachu
There’s no doubt that Pikachu is the best-known Pokemon by far. This adorable little yellow lightning-flinging critter has far surpassed the confines of the Pokemon franchise and even people who otherwise aren’t able to name a single other Pokemon will still be familiar with its “Pika, pika!” catchphrase. Being the unofficial mascot of the setting, it’s no wonder that Pikachu has made an appearance in practically every Pokemon game ever made, and Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl (aka – Pokemon BDSP) is no different. Of course, Pikachu is one of the many Pokemon you will be able to get in this game, and our Pikachu Pokemon BDSP – How to Get Pikachu guide will show you how to catch Pikachu and where to find it.

How to Get Pikachu – Pokemon Brilliant Diamond & Shining Pearl
You will be able to get Pikachu in the Trophy Garden location. This place is located just behind the Pokemon Mansion, itself located along Route 12. So, go there, and enter the Pokemon Mansion. Once you are inside, immediately head outside on the other end of the screen. This is the Trophy Garden. Here, you will be able to encounter many different types of Pokemon. This means that a Pikachu isn’t guaranteed to spawn every time. Still, with a 40% spawn rate, you shouldn’t have to grind too hard to get it to appear.
Stand on the grass and run around this grass patch until you get an encounter. Hopefully, it will be a Pikachu encounter. Once you do manage to get one to appear – it’s pretty standard stuff from there on out. So, defeat it and you will then be able to get it into your team. To get Pikachu to evolve, you will need a high Friendship Level, as well as a Thunderstone, so keep both of these in mind.
Since when do you need high friendship to get a raichu?