Shiny Mega Manectric in Pokemon GO 2022
If you are trying to catch a shiny Mega Manectric in Pokemon GO in 2022, the first step, of course, is to know whether or not it even exists. Well, that’s exactly what we’ll be covering in this guide. We’ll also tell you how to tell it apart from the regular version, as well as the several ways to obtain one.

Can Mega Manectric Be Shiny in Pokemon GO
Yes, Mega Manectric can be shiny in Pokemon GO in 2022 (and presumably in the future, too). And the great news is, there’s a chance, however slim, that you’ll encounter one of them in Mega Raids. Keep in mind that you only have until October 20th to do so, after which it’ll be replaced with the next Mega Pokemon in line. Of course, there’s always the possibility that you’ll catch a shiny Electrike, and then evolve it into Manectric with fifty Candies. Then, you can use 100 Mega Energy to evolve it further. Of course, your odds of catching a special Electrike are still very low, so I recommend going the Mega Raid route while it’s still possible. Check out our Mega Manectric Weakness, Counters & Best Moveset guide for tips on how to win those fights.
Now that we have all of that covered, you might want to know how to recognize a shiny Mega Manectric in Pokemon GO. As in, how do you tell them apart from a regular one? It’s very, very easy. The shiny Manectric has a black body, while the normal version is a bright, electric blue, as you can see in the image above. So, yeah; you should be able to make the distinction with no problems whatsoever. On a side note; Manectric will be in the Mega Raids throughout the entirety of the Festival of Lights this year, so be sure to make the most of it.