Pokemon GO Trick of Light Field Notes, Should You Buy It
If you don’t know whether you should buy the Pokemon GO Trick of Light Field Notes ticket, we’re here to help you make the choice. We are going to give you a brief overview of what the ticket unlocks and what rewards you can earn from them. Most importantly, though, we will tell you whether it’s worth your money. Here we go.

Should You Get Trick of Light Field Notes Pokemon GO
The answer to the question of whether you should get the Pokemon GO Trick of Light Field Notes Special Research story is: yes, but only if you’re planning to actively participate in the Litwick Community Day and make the most of it. Let’s break it down. The ticket that unlocks the Field Notes costs a dollar. That’s not that much. Having the ticket unlocks access to a number of tasks, which are usually fairly simple and revolve around Litwick and its evolutions, Lampent and Chandelure. They can take a fair amount of time and effort to complete. However, they shouldn’t be too bad if you’re really going for it during the Community Day. Plus, you can unlock some really good rewards from these Field Notes.
Now, the rewards from the Pokemon GO Trick of Light Field Notes Special Research story have not been revealed yet. However, they’re usually fairly standard. It’s usually a bunch of XP, a Lucky Egg, encounters with Litwick, Lampent or Chandelure, Stardust, Candy, and other items. So, again, it is worth the asking price, but you won’t get the most of it if you only casually participate in the Community Day. Ultimately, it’s your choice. Before we wrap up, there’s one more important thing to mention. As the announcement states, you can gift this ticket to another player by choosing the “Gift” button instead of “Buy.” Note that you can only do so if that person hasn’t already obtained the pass, either by buying it themselves or getting it as a gift from someone else.