Resident Evil Village Pre-Order Bonus

Resident Evil 8 comes with several pre-order bonuses for those of you that get if you buy the game early. They’re not too fancy, but they certainly sound like they can come in useful. Of course, there’s also the Resident Evil Village Collector and other special editions. We’re gonna talk about all of that in more detail in our Resident Evil Village Pre-Order Bonus guide.

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resident evil village pre order bonus
Resident Evil Village Pre-Order Bonus

Pre-Order Bonus in Resident Evil Village

You can get two Resident Evil Village pre-order bonuses, no matter which version of the game you purchase (more on that later). These are the Mr. Racoon Weapon Charm (not entirely sure what that does) and a Survival Resource Pack. The latter includes some handgun bullets, some shotgun shells, a health item, and a lockpick. You can see it all in the image above.

Certain stores also offer other pre-order goodies, too. For example, if you get Resident Evil 8 on the PlayStation Store, you’ll also get the game’s soundtrack. Best Buy, on the other hand, offers a steelbook case. Again, you should be able to get this stuff no matter which version of the game you get. While we’re on the subject…

Resident Evil 8 Special Editions

The first Special Edition of Resident Evil Village is the Deluxe Edition ($70 on all stores). Along with the base game, this version also has a bunch of extra in-game items, called the Trauma Pack. So, let’s list them real quick.

  • Safe Room Music
  • Max Difficulty
  • Mr. Everywhere
  • Save Device
  • Found Footage RE7 Filter
  • Albert01Chris
  • The Tragedy of Ethan Winters

Then, there’s the Resident Evil 8 Collector’s Edition. Along with the Resident Evil Village pre-order bonuses (if you buy it early), this version comes with all the items in the Deluxe Edition, as well as a number of physical items, which we’ll list below. Two things to keep in mind first: it costs $220, and it’s selling out real fast. Good luck getting your hands on it.

  • Poster
  • Box
  • Steelbook case
  • Chris Redfield figure
  • Artbook

Last, but not least, there’s the Resident Evil Village & Resident Evil 7 Complete Bundle. As you can imagine, this is just the two games in one handy package. You can get it on the PlayStation Store and the Xbox Store for both current and next-gen consoles. It costs only $80, so if you’ve never played RE7, this is a pretty good chance to do so.

Author JoeTheBard profile picture
A language teacher and video game enthusiast turned rogue, Joe is on a quest to become the ultimate gaming journalist. This is somewhat hampered by his belief that the golden age of gaming ended with the PlayStation One, but he doesn't let that stop him. His favorite games include Soul Reaver and Undertale. Other interests are D'n'D, dad rock, complaining about movies, and being the self-appointed office funny man, which nobody else agrees with.