How to Remove Outpost in Starfield

If you want to know how to remove an outpost in Starfield, you’ve come to the right place. This is a mechanic that you definitely need to know about, since it’s very likely you’ll build an outpost that turns out to be less than useful. Or you’ll build the maximum number of outposts, and you’ll have to delete a Starfield outpost in order to make a new one. Whatever the case may be, here’s how you actually remove outposts in this game.

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How to Remove Outpost in Starfield
How to Remove Outpost in Starfield

How to Remove Outpost Beacon in Starfield

To remove an outpost beacon in Starfield, you first need to establish the maximum number of outposts available to you. I believe the default is eight outposts. Until you build all of them, you won’t get the option to delete an outpost in Starfield. Unfortunately, that does mean that you can theoretically have a useless outpost that will just have to stay there until you build your current maximum. When you hit your limit, travel back to your outpost beacon.

  • Make sure that you’re not in the building menu and move next to the outpost
  • You’ll get a pop up menu with Remove Outpost option just below Rename button
  • You have to hold this button, because if you just press it you’ll get Rename menu
  • On PC it’s R button, and on controller you need to hold X

And there you go, that’s how you remove an outpost in Starfield. Now, there is a way to raise the number of outposts you can have at the same time, because that will inevitably become necessary. Eight might seem like a lot, but with the vast expanses you’ll be exploring, it might not be. That’s what the Planetary Habitation skill is for, under the Science branch, It’ll be a while before you get access to it, but it can come in clutch. It’s worth investing in. Here’s what unlocks in each skill rank:

  • Rank One – You can build outposts on planets with extreme temperatures (Deep Freeze and Inferno). Increase the maximum number of Outposts you can build by 4.
  • Rank Two – You can build outposts on planets with extreme pressure. Increase the maximum number of Outposts you can build by 8.
  • Rank Three – You can build outposts on planets with toxic or corrosive atmospheres. Increase the maximum number of Outposts you can build by 12.
  • Rank Four – You can build outposts on planets with extreme gravity. Increase the maximum number of Outposts you can build by 16.
Author JoeTheBard profile picture
A language teacher and video game enthusiast turned rogue, Joe is on a quest to become the ultimate gaming journalist. This is somewhat hampered by his belief that the golden age of gaming ended with the PlayStation One, but he doesn't let that stop him. His favorite games include Soul Reaver and Undertale. Other interests are D'n'D, dad rock, complaining about movies, and being the self-appointed office funny man, which nobody else agrees with.