Channel 13 Trading Card, Artifact Seattle Day 1 The Last of Us 2

Channel 13 collectibles in The Last of Us II chapter Seattle Day 1 are stuff you’re going to find while exploring the Channel 13 building and the sub-chapter of the same name. Fortunately, there aren’t many collectibles here. (as far as trading cards, artifacts, and journal entries go). However, due to the cluttered environment, you might miss them. That being the case, we’ve put together our Channel 13 Trading Card, Artifact Seattle Day 1 The Last of Us 2 guide to show you where to find the trading cards and artifacts in the place.

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Channel 13 Trading Card Artifact Seattle Day 1 The Last of Us 2
Channel 13 Trading Card, Artifact Seattle Day 1 The Last of Us 2

Kimimela Trading Card Location

The trading card in the Channel 13 building in Last of Us 2 can be found in one of the large, fancy offices that you’ll come across after scaling the side of the building and walking across a narrow ledge jutting in front of the large windows. From there, you need to go into the office diagonally from the broken window you came through. (aka the one to the left of the corpse leaning on the double doors). The Kimimela trading card is on the corner of the desk, along with some scraps of cloth that you can pick up.

channel 13 trading card location last of us 2 seattle day 1
Trading card #1 location

Dad’s Pep Talk Artifact Location

After looting everything on this floor, head through the double doors behind the corpse, and climb up the stairs. You should probably first go through the closed door on the right and see what there is to see. When you’re done in there, go into the office in the opposite corner. On the big blue sofa, you’ll find a note. If you go into your Artifacts menu after picking it up, you’ll find it under the name “Dad’s Pep Talk“. The office in between these two has a whole bunch of stuff for you to loot. Make sure to comb through it before proceeding further and into the Tunnels.

where to find collectibles channel 13 seattle day 1 artifact last of us 2
Artifact #1 location

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Seattle Day 1: Capitol Hill
Next Chapter
Seattle Day 1: The Tunnels

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A language teacher and video game enthusiast turned rogue, Joe is on a quest to become the ultimate gaming journalist. This is somewhat hampered by his belief that the golden age of gaming ended with the PlayStation One, but he doesn't let that stop him. His favorite games include Soul Reaver and Undertale. Other interests are D'n'D, dad rock, complaining about movies, and being the self-appointed office funny man, which nobody else agrees with.