Hillcrest Safe Last of Us 2 Auto Shop Safe Code

The Last of Us 2 Auto Shop safe is located in the Hillcrest chapter in the building advertising Auto Parts and Repairs. You might stumble upon it while playing the Seattle Day 2 chapter, and this is one of the rare safes where the code isn’t really in the vicinity of the lock. You could easily miss the code if you don’t thoroughly explore the entire area. If you’re having trouble finding either, this guide will show you The Last of Us 2 auto shop safe code in Hillcrest.

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The Last of Us 2 Auto Shop Safe Code Hillcrest Safe Location

Hillcrest Safe Last of Us 2 Location

The safe itself is easy enough to find. It is in the section after you move the garbage container to jump on top of a garage. You’ll enter a bicycle shop that way. The first building to the left of the bicycle shop is Velvet Tatoos. If you go into the tattoo parlor, through the back and into the alley behind it, you’ll see the garage on the right. This is the Hillcrest safe Auto Shop safe location.

Be careful when opening the door. It might be prudent to place a trip mine before you do so. The safe will be immediately after the entrance.

Where is the Last of Us 2 Auto Shop Safe code?

Like most safe combinations, this one is written on a note that also doubles as an artifact. (Called Dale’s Combo in this case.) To find it, you’ll first have to head back to the main street. Go into the pet shop across the road from the tattoo parlor. Go to the back of the store, to the left, and you’ll find a hole in the wall leading into the store next to it, which is some kind of bar. Look for a double door leading into the kitchen. As soon as you enter, look at the wall on the left. The note will be pinned to it. It reads as follows.

Yo – when Dale comes by, he’s gonna ask for the safe combo, but just walk over to the garage and put it in yourself, otherwise he’s gonna bother you eight more times. The combo is 30-82-65.Someone needs to talk to his wife. I know she wants to think he’s gonna get better but it’s time to get practical. I heard the WLF have some real doctors at their base… Nobody would blame her for leaving (except Boris, but f**k him.)

From this it is obvious that the auto shop safe code is 30 82 65. Pop it open and you’ll get a short gun holster, some scavenged parts, crafting materials and a handful of ammo. It’s probably one of the most rewarding safes in the game, so make sure you loot it. You can see all of this happening in our video guide for the Hillcrest safe.