Last of Us 2 How to Raise Boat Gate in Flooded City

Once you reach the Flooded City part of the Seattle Day 3 chapter in The Last of Us 2, you’ll mostly use your boat to get around. The buildings are connected by vast bodies of water, and you’re expected to sail between them. Early on, a gate will block your path, and you might have trouble opening it in order to proceed. If you do, this guide will show you how to raise boat gate in Flooded City in TLOU2 Seattle Day 3.

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tlou2 how to open boat gate flooded city
How to raise boat gate in Flooded City – TLOU2 Seattle Day 3

How to open chain gate in boat in Seattle Day 3 Flooded City?

The solution is extremely simple, but if you’re anything like us, you’ll bang your head against the wall a bit here. If you approach the gate, you’ll see there’s a chain to the right of it, and it’s pretty obvious you need to pull the chain in order to raise the gate.

We’ve spent far too long trying to park the boat close enough to the chain to be able to reach, but to no avail. No matter how hard we tried, the hollow circle icon wouldn’t turn into a button prompt.

The solution came to us accidentally – we fell out of the boat. Turns out the water is really shallow there, ankle depth at most. So all you have to do is jump out of the boat and approach the chain, and the button prompt will appear.

Pretty ridiculous, right? Since the game doesn’t explicitly show you how this is done, and this is the first time you encounter a boat gate, it can be an issue. You’ll encounter more of them later on, but you’ll be well equipped to open them, thanks to the humbling experience with this one. Just don’t assume all water is deadly.

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Ketchua has been writing about games for far too long. As Señor Editor, he produces words (and stuff) for Gosunoob. There are a lot of words (and stuff) there, so he's terribly busy. Especially if you need something.