So Great and Small trophy - The Last of Us 2 Uncharted Easter Egg

The Last of Us 2 engraved ring is hidden item that you can find in the game, and it’s both an Uncharted Easter egg and grants you the So Great and Small trophy. The engraved ring is locked away in Seattle Day 1 Downtown chapter, away in an area that you’re very likely to never inspect in much detail. Since the item is so hard to find, we’ve put together our Engraved Ring Location – So Great & Small Trophy in Last of Us 2 guide to show you where to find the Uncharted Easter egg.

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Engraved Ring Location So Great & Small Trophy in Last of us 2
Engraved Ring Location – So Great & Small Trophy in Last of Us 2

Where to Find Engraved Ring for Last of Us 2 So Great & Small Achievement?

To find the Engraved Ring in The Last of Us 2 and get the So Great and Small trophy, you have to look in the opened locker inside the vault of Westlake Bank in downtown Seattle. So, first thing’s first, push through the game until you get to the Seattle Day 1 Downtown chapter and you start using the map. The ruins of Westlake Bank are in the southwest of the area, in the section of Cherry ST between Fifth and Sixth Ave. Consult the image below to see exactly where to find the building.

Head inside the ruins and, after a bit of rubble-traversing, you’ll find yourself at the entrance of the bank. Clear out the infected, and go into the far left corner of the area and enter the dark room with the Safe Deposit Lockers sign above it. Inside this small room, you’ll find a dead body, with a note / artifact on it that will give you the code to enter the vault (60 23 06). The vault door is right there, on the left, so open it up.

Once in the vault, you can find a pump shotgun, another note / artifact, and other stuff, so make sure to loot the whole place. The ring itself lies within the open locker in the far right corner of the vault. Pick it up, smirk at the Uncharted reference, and the So Great and Small trophy is yours.