Onions Locations - Valheim Hearth & Home

Onions, one of the most popular cooking ingredients in the world, has finally made its official Valheim debut in the Hearth and Home update. Being such a common cooking element, it was only a matter of time before it, too, was added to Valheim. Since food in the game is such an important part of the gameplay experience, you no doubt want to get some onions into your garden as well. However, nothing is ever simple in Valheim (and that is why we love it), and our Onions Locations – Valheim Hearth & Home guide is here to explain where you should go to look for onion seeds.

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Onions Locations - Valheim Hearth & Home

Where to Find Onions in Valheim

Unlike some other seeds in Valheim, such as flax and barley, that grow in obvious places where you can find them, onion seeds are a different matter. At the time of writing this guide, we’ve only been able to locate them by exploring the Mountains biome. Here, we found an abandoned village and on the top of one of the buildings here we discovered a chest that had onion seeds inside of it. Of course, if we discover that they can be found in any other locations, we will immediately update this guide.

So, once you’ve found some onion seeds, the next step is to plant these in your garden. If you are unsure about how this works, we have a great How to Plan seeds guide. But to summarize, to be able to plant seeds – onion seeds in this case – you will have to craft a tool called the Cultivator. You will unlock the recipe for this as soon as you first get some Bronze. The Cultivator can be crafted with x5 Bronze and x5 Core Wood, so you should be able to get it relatively early on in the game.

How Long Does it Take For Onions to Grow in Valheim

Every seed that you have planted in your garden will take three days to grow into an adult plant. When it does, you will be able to harvest it and then use it. Onions in Valheim are no different. Once you have planted them, they will take around three days to fully grow. After they are ready to cook, you will then have the option to harvest them and use them to cook recipes such as Onion Soup and Wolf Skewers.

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A lifelong gamer, Vladimir was always interested in gaming and what makes games tick. Before long, he found himself writing about games as well as playing them. No stranger to game guides which have often helped him make just the right decision in a particularly difficult quest, he’s very happy to be able to help his fellow gamers and give a little back to his favorite pastime.