Watch Dogs Legion Release Date & Time

The release date and time of Watch Dogs Legion has been the question many players have been asking. This is probably because Ubisoft can make game launches pretty confusing at times. Luckily, things are more simple when it comes to the new Watch Dogs and is launch date and time. Still, though, some of you might be having trouble with the matter. We’ll try to clear the air in our Watch Dogs Legion Release Date & Time guide, as well as the preload times.

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watch dogs legion release date & time
Watch Dogs Legion Release Date & Time

Release Date & Time of Watch Dogs Legion

The release date and time of Watch Dogs Legion is pretty much the same across almost all platforms. The game launches on October 29th at 12:01 AM local time. So, right after midnight strikes in your time zone, you can dive straight in and hack the entirety of London. This applies on PC (via Epic Games Store and/or Uplay), Xbox One, and PlayStation 4. Google Stadia is the only exception; the launch time there is 12:01 ET. So, whatever time it is in your area when it hits midnight on the east coast of the US, that’s when you can begin.

As for next-gen consoles, here’s what we’ve got. On Xbox Series X/S, the game will be available in both digital and physical versions on November 10th, when the console launches. On PS5, the digital version will come out along with the new PlayStation, on November 12th, with physical copies launching on November 24th.

Watch Dogs Legion Preload Times

The preload times for Watch Dogs Legion on PC (again, via UPlay and Epic Games Store) have already started on October 26 at 8 AM PDT / 11 AM EDT / 4 PM CET. On PlayStation 4, they went up on October 27, 12:01 AM local time. And yes, the preloads are also up on Xbox One. Why didn’t I just say that they’re available on all platforms already? Because I have a word count to hit, shut up. As for Google Stadia, there are no preloads anyways due to the streaming nature of the platform.

release dates times watch dogs legion
Watch Dogs Legion release date & times (click to enlarge)

So, there you have it, those are the release dates and times of Watch Dogs Legion, as well as when the preloads began. If you need a visual aid to make things a bit easier, check out the image above. It has everything in one convenient place.

Author JoeTheBard profile picture
A language teacher and video game enthusiast turned rogue, Joe is on a quest to become the ultimate gaming journalist. This is somewhat hampered by his belief that the golden age of gaming ended with the PlayStation One, but he doesn't let that stop him. His favorite games include Soul Reaver and Undertale. Other interests are D'n'D, dad rock, complaining about movies, and being the self-appointed office funny man, which nobody else agrees with.