How to Enter Underground Depths Zelda Tears of the Kingdom
If you don’t know how to enter the Underground Depths in Zelda Tears of the Kingdom, don’t worry, you’re not the only one. This is a whole new aspect of the Breath of the Wild formula, so of course it will take some exploring. But, of course, I know many of you will be too impatient to get to the Underground Depths in Zelda Tears of the Kingdom on your own. That’s why we’ve decided to put together this guide and hopefully help you out.

How to Get to Underground Depths in Zelda Tears of the Kingdom
You’d think you’d be able to get to and enter the Underground Depths in Zelda Tears of the Kingdom by exploring one of the many caves scattered all across the map. That, however, is really correct. What you actually have to do is find the holes in the ground that are covered in what looks like red, molten rocks. There’s a chasm right outside of Hyrule Castle City Ruins that is a great example on such holes. What you need to do is throw yourself into one of these chasms. Once you reach the bottom, you’ll be in the Underground Depths. Just be sure to open your glider before you hit the ground, lest you become scrambled Link.
And there you have it, that’s how enter the Underground Depths in Zelda Tears of the Kingdom. Now, there are a number of different chasms through which you can go into the subterranean map, including in certain caves. However, not every cave will have a way to get to the underground. Moreover, I’m sure there will be plenty of these gaping chasms out in the open, such as the one on in Central Hyrule. Like most of you, we’re still very early in the game, so we have plenty yet to discover. What we can tell you is that there are whole ecosystems down there, with new monsters and other creatures to discover. This includes the skeleton horses, or Stahlhorses.