Resident Evil 7 How to Start Banned Footage DLC

Banned Footage Vol. 1 is the first piece of DLC for Resident Evil 7: Biohazard. It contains several new stories, gameplay modes and challenges. It’s part of the season pass, so you’ll need to purchase that if you want to play it. In this guide, we’re going to show you how to start Banned Footage DLC in Resident Evil 7.

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resident evil 7 how to start banned footage vol 1 dlc
Resident Evil 7 Banned Footage

How to download Resident Evil 7 DLC

Before you start playing, you’ll need to download the add-on. If you’re on Playstation 4, you’ll have to download the add-on manually. Find the season pass for Resident Evil 7 in your online store, then look for the Banned Footage Vol. 1 DLC. It’s only 1.4 GB in size, so it should be done pretty quickly.

If you’re playing on PC, you’ll have to wait almost a month until release. Once it’s out, just restart Steam and the game should download the new content automatically. If it doesn’t, it probably means the DLC hasn’t been released in your region yet. Give it another try at a later time.

How to play Banned Footage Vol. 1 in RE7

The DLC isn’t part of the main game. It’s accessed through the main menu. Look for an option called “extra content” in the menu, between “load game” and “more”. Once you choose it, you’ll get to another menu, where you choose between Banned Footage and Ethan Must Die. The former is what you’re looking for – a collection of tapes with different challenges.

There are four in total, with only the first two being part of this DLC:

  • Nightmare – A horde mode, in which you have to survive the night while being attacked by waves of molded. You get scraps to spend on upgrades, which help you deal with their ever-growing numbers.
  • Bedroom – An escape-the-room challenge.

Ethan Must Die is a separate mini-game, in which you have to escape the Baker house, which has been filled to the brim with traps. There’s a warning that says it’s really hard, and you should beat the main game before attempting it.

How to start Banned Footage Vol. 2 DLC

The second DLC pack is accessed in the same way as the first – from the extra content menu. It adds three new things to the game:
  • Jack’s 55th Birthday – A mini game in which you have to feed Jack Baker to appease him.
  • 21 – Playing blackjack against Lucas, with your fingers as the ante. There are special cards you can play that are like magic abilities. You unlock them by winning the mode multiple times.
  • Daughters – A new mini story about Eveline’s arrival at the house and what it did to the Baker family.