How to Start ACNH Happy Home Paradise DLC
Animal Crossing New Horizons fans definitely have a great cause to be excited. First, a massive new 2.0 update has brought many new additions to the game, such as a new café shop, cooking, and ingredients like wheat, and crops and vegetables, among many more. In addition to this free update, a paid ACNH DLC called Happy Home Paradise is also available, packed with additional content. In this How to Start ACNH Happy Home Paradise DLC guide, we will go over this DLC and explain how to access and play it.

How to Access and Play Animal Crossing New Horizons Happy Home Paradise DLC
Though it may be obvious, we still have to point it out – to be able to play the Happy Home Paradise DLC, you will have needed to purchase it first. You can do this over on the Nintendo eShop. The next step is to have your game updated to the latest version – 2.0. If you are having problems doing this, we have a great guide on how to start this update and get the new content. After that, save and quit the game so that it will relaunch.
If everything was done correctly, the next time the game starts up, you should get a pop up. This will give you the options to “Start Software”, “Cancel”, or to “Check”. Now, this is very important – you may think that the obvious choice here is to select “Start Software”, but what you should actually choose is “Check”. Your game should now authenticate the Happy Home Paradise DLC.
Now as for how to access the new DLC content itself – you will need to wait until midnight November 5th in your time zone. It will be time locked until that time, and there is no way to access it apart from waiting for it.
This is different from the free 2.0 update, which launched worldwide at the same time. To play the actual content once it becomes available, you will have to travel to the new islands. To accomplish this, head on to the airport and speak with Orville there. Select the “I want to go to work.” dialogue option. Choosing this will allow you to board a plane set for the archipelago, where you will be able to aid the Paradise Planning Resort Developer team.
Thank you so mich! Because im still doing my housing plots
Hey! So I was having the same issue,but got it to work! Steps:
Step1:Complete the 3 housing spots
Step2:Bulid resident services buliding
Step3:Bulid your campsite
When you wake up the next day when you start outside your house It may not show you phone is ringing right away. Give the system a minute,and you should get the pop up saying your phone is ringing. Answer the phone and Tom book starts talking,then you will be taken to the airport where the DCL starts! Good Luck!!
Thank you!!! I had my cousin buy her own switch and I already owned the expansion pack. But it didn’t let her go to work, after following this it definitely worked!!!
Well the content was there when we turned it on the next morning, in the way other things appear the next day (like a house remodel). There was no pop-up, just the phone call from nook when she stepped out of her house. Happy it’s working
We are plenty far along in the game, have the 2.0 update, and the DLC definitely downloaded. But no pop up ever came for us to choose check, no phone call from Tom
nook, and no option to go to work from Orville (not that I’d really expect that without the pop up). No ideas how to proceed.
happy homes isnt working, i have a house and the nook store but i have no option to go to work. my game is up to date, i downloaded the expansion pack and i dont know how to access it
I did not realize that I had to look for “check”. I purchased the happy home paradise expansion pack but I can not download it. Is there any way of getting back to “check” option? Thank you
Okay after a long while I think that the minimum requirement for playing the DLC is that your campsite is ready and if you’ve done that you should get the call from Tom otherwise I don’t know what to say I would double check to make sure that it’s actually been downloaded. Hope this helps!
Bought the game, downloaded it, our capsite is ready I’m sure. We have the upgraded house, museum, etc going on but no option to “go to work”. Check the eshop and it’s “purchased” and no other download options. This is giving me a headach
It’s real important to quite the game and then hit “check” and not start software. for all the people who are having issues that was my issue. Says so in this article but maybe ya skipped by that part by accident.
So what happens if you didn’t hit check? Is there a way to go back? Because I think that’s what happened here with a lot of folks, us included.
I don’t see a “check” option when we restart the game. Is it a lost cause now?
I don’t know what is going on, but I can see I’m not the only person with this issue.
We purchased and downloaded the Happy Home thing and it’s not showing up anywhere. If I go back to my child’s wahoo, it’s marked as purchased and I can’t re download it.
Over $26 spent on a system that isn’t working, ansnnow I have one upset child. No call from Tom Nook and no “want to work” option at the airport.
Very frustrating.
Same Problem here, tom nook hasn’t called me and I don’t have all the stuff in the update, it is very annoying and frustrating. Any solutions???
It won’t work for me, and I downloaded the dlc but no sign of hairstyles which I really wanted.
I’m having the same problem Tom Nook never called. I do have all the items from redeeming miles. For the hair styles you go to Harvs Island and talk to Harvs girlfriend (forgot her name) she has a shop set up and she will ask you if you want a new style say yes and she will give you one then you can keep using it by using your mirror. Then go to her everyday and she will repeat giving you a new style everyday.
Hi, exactly the same here, but the kids are quite far along in the game. I have just tried reinstalling everything and no luck. Has anyone worked out the problem? ?
We started over recently and I guess we aren’t far enough along for the DLC to work?? I never got a pop up giving me the option to check the software? I have some really bummed kiddos who have the day off school today and can’t play the DLC that they purchased with their own $$ 🙁
Hey! So I was having the same issue,but got it to work! Steps:
Step1:Complete the 3 housing spots
Step2:Bulid resident services buliding
Step3:Bulid your campsite
When you wake up the next day when you start outside your house It may not show you phone is ringing right away. Give the system a minute,and you should get the pop up saying your phone is ringing. Answer the phone and Tom book starts talking,then you will be taken to the airport where the DCL starts! Good Luck!!
Thank you! I started over right when I got the DLC, and knew I was getting close.
Hi , I can’t get the DLC ! I bought it Tom nook did not call
My son can’t get it to work either…..did you find a solution?
If you have resident services built it will iniate the call resident services is in the beginning a green tent but late u can upgrade it so progress ubtill that just ask Tom nook wha t should I do until he say to upgrade the resident services
Do you have upgraded resent service?
I’ve bought the download too but Tom hasn’t called, any help/suggestions!?
Did you get it to work?
i started my island over bc of the new update and am waiting on my shop to appear tomorrow at 5 AM. I do not have the option to talk to orville and “go to work” even though i predownloaded the game. Do I have to wait until my shop builds to be able to play the DLC?
I have the same problem :’)
Me, too. I have a 3+ star island, complete art exhibit, and the free update seems to be working fine, but no call from Tom re: HHP. Pretty bummed, seeing as I paid good money for the DLC and I get to see all my friends play with it while I can’t. ?
Go to the Nintendo eShop to double check that you have it downloaded, it’s separate from the update… its downloading for me right now 🙂
Hi, I’m having same problem as everyone else, can’t access the DLC contents after downloading the animal crossing happy home paradise, it’s showing It’s been purchased and downloaded and not getting the phone call from Tom Nook when I come out of my house. Can someone please help.
We’re you able to use the Happy Home Paradise after you downloaded it? I downloaded the Happy Home Paradise yesterday and still no call from Tom Nook. I saved and restarted the game still nothing. I do not know what to do.
Don’t worry you just need to finish the game and upgrade resident services first I had the same problem
Hey! Yes, if you start over you have to wait until resident services it built, you have a house and something else. Basically the first major steps in the game.
Same I have the exact same problem does anyone know how to get it working
Have the same issue here. No call from tom nook.