Biomutant Red Key, Yellow Key & Orange Key Location

The Red Key, Yellow Key and Orange Key in Biomutant are special items that unlock three specific doors scattered across the map. So, in order to open them, you have to find these keys. Now, the good thing is that all three keys are in one location. The downside is that you’d never think to look there, and there are some side quests to complete first. We’ll explain all you need to know in our Biomutant Red Key, Yellow Key & Orange Key Location guide.

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biomutant red key yellow key & orange key location
Biomutant Red Key, Yellow Key & Orange Key Location

Where to Find Red Key, Yellow Key & Orange Key

To find the Red Key, Yellow Key, and Orange Key in Biomutant, the first order of business is to locate an NPC called Klick. He has a mobile key shop southwest of Mambleklump (you can see his exact location in the screenshots below). Have a chat with Klick, and he’ll give you a side quest called “High Voltage.” Go to the marked location and charge the metal by standing in the blue circle and following it around. Complete the next steps, beat the boss, and go back to Klick, who will upgrade your Klonkfist.

Talk to Klick again, and he’ll give you a second quest, “Graves and Bones.” Again, follow the waypoint, open the grave and climb down, and pick up the bone. Defeat the boss and return to the key maker once more. When you talk to him, you should now have the option of “Show me what you’ve got!” This lets you peruse Klick’s inventory, where you’ll find all three keys. Purchase them and go open the previously locked doors.

That pretty much concludes our Biomutant Red Key, Yellow Key & Orange Key Location guide. In case you need help with anything else, take a look at some of our other guides. To name just a few, we’ve written things like How to Change Weapons & Equip Healing Items, How to Change Tribe in Biomutant, and Perfect Reload – How It Works.

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Author JoeTheBard profile picture
A language teacher and video game enthusiast turned rogue, Joe is on a quest to become the ultimate gaming journalist. This is somewhat hampered by his belief that the golden age of gaming ended with the PlayStation One, but he doesn't let that stop him. His favorite games include Soul Reaver and Undertale. Other interests are D'n'D, dad rock, complaining about movies, and being the self-appointed office funny man, which nobody else agrees with.