Bioshock Infinite Battleship Bay Collectible Locations
Visual Guide to finding Kinetoscopes, Telescopes and Voxophones in Bioshock Inifinte’s 7th mission – Battleship Bay.
Bioshock Infinite Monument Island Gateway Collectible Locations
Bioshock Infinite Kinetoscope, Telescope and Voxophone collectibles guide with detailed walkthrough and screenshots for the Monument Island Gateway mission.
Bioshock Infinite Comstock Center Rooftops Collectible Locations
Bioshock Infinite Kinetoscopes, Telescope and Voxophones locations guide with detailed walkthrough and screenshots for the Comstock Center Rooftops mission.
Bioshock Infinite Welcome Center Collectible Locations
Visual Guide with screenshots to help you find all Kinetoscopes, Telescopes and Voxophone collectibles in Bioshock Infinite mission Welcome Center.