Electric Drill Locations, DMZ Based
Based is a Black Mous Tier 2 mission in CoD: Warzone 2. It requires that you find and deliver 15 Screwdrivers, 20 Light Bulbs, and 5 Electric Drills and to then deliver all of these to the junkyard dead drop in Al-Sharim. Needless to say, finding enough of these – especially Electric Drills – can be very difficult. So here are the best Electric Drill locations in the DMZ for the Based mission. Likewise, we’re also going to give you tips on how to get Screwdrivers and Light Bulbs as well.

Where to Find Electric Drills in DMZ Warzone 2
You can find Electric Drill inside toolboxes in garages and gas stations. Naturally, this makes them very rare and hard to get. While it is never guaranteed that you’ll be able to find them there, we’ve had a lot of luck with the gas station located south of Al Mazrah. So we recommend that you head there first. Of course, if you don’t luck out there, there’s nothing left to do but head to another gas station or garage and try there.

Deliver Screwdrivers and Light Bulbs in DMZ Warzone 2
Screwdrivers can be found on the shelves of garages and nearby stores. Like Electric Drills, they can also be found in gas stations as well. So while you are looking for Electric Drill there, keep an eye out for Screwdrivers on shelves. Light Bulbs are the easiest – which is reflected in the fact that you need to get 20 of them. They are located in markets and just about every apartment building and store in the DMZ. After you have found 15 Screwdrivers, 20 Light Bulbs, and 5 Electric Drills, you then need to deliver them to the Al-Sharim Junkyard Dead Drop. Since this can also get pretty tricky, here’s where you can find this dumpster dead drop location.
I found 2 drills in the storage containers behind police academy near that spawn, over 6 tool boxes to loot there.
If you happen to have tier 4 legion mission “mechanic”, this same dead drop is the one you want for car batteries
Thanks bro I’ve been struggling to find thay damn dumpster