Siphon Gas on Ashika Island DMZ Fuel Shortage

In our Siphon Gas on Ashika Island DMZ Fuel Shortage guide, we are going to show you how to complete this step of the mission. You need to siphon gas out of one vehicle on the island, but it’s not exactly clear how to do that. I mean, once you get the gas can, what’s next? Standing next to a vehicle doesn’t seem to do anything. What does the game want from you? Let’s find out!

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siphon gas on ashika island dmz fuel shortage
Siphon Gas on Ashika Island DMZ Fuel Shortage

How to Siphon the Gas from 1 Vehicle on Ashika Island DMZ Fuel Shortage

To siphon the gas from one vehicle on Ashika Island in the DMZ Fuel Shortage mission, you first need to obtain a gas can, as we’ve said. These can usually be found around gas stations, like in our screenshot below. Once you have a gas can, head into the nearest car. There’s usually one or a couple of them around gas stations, so that shouldn’t be that big of an issue. Once you’re inside a car, open your backpack and mouse over the gas can. You’ll see three options: Refuel, Drop or Siphon. Refuel adds gas to the vehicle, so click Siphon instead. Note that you can’t siphon gas out if the can is 100% full. Use Refuel to empty out some of it.

how to siphon the gas from one vehicle on ashika island dmz fuel shortage
Gas can location

And there you go, that’s how you siphon the gas from one vehicle on Ashika Island and complete that step of the DMZ Fuel Shortage mission. It’s basically just a throwaway thing to teach you about the new functionality of the gas can. And yes, you’d assume that you have to stand next to the car, but nope. In DMZ, apparently cars have gas tank doors under the driver’s seat or something. Anyways, that about does it for this guide. If you need help with something else in the game, check out some of our other articles, like Vondel Zoo Dead Drop Location, Find the Detonator at Graveyard, and Laswell’s Letter Upload Station Radio Tower Location.

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A language teacher and video game enthusiast turned rogue, Joe is on a quest to become the ultimate gaming journalist. This is somewhat hampered by his belief that the golden age of gaming ended with the PlayStation One, but he doesn't let that stop him. His favorite games include Soul Reaver and Undertale. Other interests are D'n'D, dad rock, complaining about movies, and being the self-appointed office funny man, which nobody else agrees with.