West Zarqwa Safe House Key & Location DMZ
Not sure where to find the Zarqwa Safe House location in DMZ? That’s why we’re here! With almost 100 random keys in Warzone 2’s extraction mode, it can be difficult to manage things with all those keys. You might be able to find the locations for a couple of them, but many will simply be too complicated to look for while frantic action is happening all around you. This guide will provide the exact location of the West Zarqwa Safe House Key door.

Where it West Zarqwa Safe House Location in DMZ Warzone 2
So, what does the West Zarqwa Safe House Key unlock? Like all keys in DMZ, the first step in finding the location is establishing its approximate position on the map. If you check out an item in your inventory, each key will provide you with the coordinates. In this case, the key says that we need to go to the E4 tile. If you look at the map, you’ll see that’s where the Zarqwa Hydroelectric point of interest is positioned. So that’s where we’re heading.
The next piece of information we can derive from the key’s name. The “West Zarqwa” part means that the object is somewhere in the western parts of Zarqwa. And “Safe House” means that it is probably a single, isolated house. Now that we know that, we’ve narrowed our search. This particular house is located near a T-junction of roads in southwest Zarqwa. Just east of a bridge there and north of the canal. Check out our map below for the exact location. This is a poorly maintained two-story house. You can see how it looks in our image below. Once there, jump in via an open window and head straight to the second floor via stairs. Check out the second door on the second floor. And that will be the one which you can unlock with the West Zarqwa Safe House key.