Errors and crashes in Dark Souls 3
Dark Souls 3 has officially launched today, and as is often the case, it’s not without some errors and problems. People are already complaining about things not working as intended.
Solution: Set the Lighting quality to low and then loading the game. Also try removing your shield. After you pass the bonfire area, you can put it on again.
Look up DS3Tool or DS4 tool make sure to install the SCPDriver in the Virtual Bus Driver folder. Connect your controller via USB, start the ScpServer.exe, then checkmark the box hide controller.

Crash at the bonfire
Many players reported crashes at the first bonfire, right before reaching it and on start up.Solution: Set the Lighting quality to low and then loading the game. Also try removing your shield. After you pass the bonfire area, you can put it on again.
The instruction at 0x420230f6 referenced memory at 0x0000015c. The memory could not be written
Solution: Known error. Waiting for fix.Issues with Playstation controllers
Solution: If you want to use the Dualshock 4 controller, turn on windowsDS4 and check the box of the Hide DS4 controller in the menu of the program.Look up DS3Tool or DS4 tool make sure to install the SCPDriver in the Virtual Bus Driver folder. Connect your controller via USB, start the ScpServer.exe, then checkmark the box hide controller.
Troubles with summoning friends
Leave the area, and then put the signal again after it disappears.AMD Low fps
Update AMD drivers to 16.4.1 version and then restart your computer – FPS issue
Some people are reporting that unplugging controller fixes the FPS drop problems. Nvidia users have had some luck with this method:- Open the Nvidia Control Panel
- Go to 3D Settings, then Manage 3D Settings
- Choose the Program Settings tab and click Add
- Find the DS3.exe and add it.
- Make the following changes to the settings:
- Set Vsync to adaptive
- Turn triple buffering on
- Set max prerendered frames to 1
- Turn threaded optimization on
Retrieving Lastest Calibration
Xbox One users have been reporting getting stuck at this prompt in large numbers. There is no solution to this problem yet, but it seems to stem from the servers being overwhelmed. The only advice we can give you is to be patient, or try playing offline.MORE CONTENT IN Dark Souls 3

idk how it worked, but last night a couple of my friends and I got the calibration issue fixed by adding a download to the queue during the calibration, and going back into the game.
Idk if this will help but I am having the issue retrieving the latest calibrations on the xbox one and a sort of “temp” fix I found is I use my wifi instead of a wired connection and it seems to work fine. Not exactly sure what to tell anyone with the issue that works for people already using wifi.