Dauntless Hunt Pass Experience Points - How to Get

Hunt pass experience points allow you to level up your hunt pass in Dauntless. Once you collect 100 of them, you’ll progress to the next tier, getting all the rewards tied to it. There are fifty tiers in every hunt pass, and the seasons only run for a limited time, which means you’ll probably want to get as many as you can, as quickly as possible. This guide will tell you everything you need to know about Dauntless hunt pass experience points and how to get them.

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dauntless hunt pass experience points how to get
Dauntless Hunt Pass Experience Points – How to Get

How to level up hunt pass in Dauntless?

There are three ways of doing this – completing weekly challenges, finding gatherables in Ramsgate and breaking Behemoth parts. The first one is pretty obvious: each week, there will be a number of limited-time challenges that you’ll have to complete. They reset every Thursday at midnight PST.

As for the idiotically named gatherables, they’re basically regular junk items you can collect all over the city. Some of them will be highly visible, others will be hidden on rooftops and in narrow alleyways. You can collect up to 10 each day.

Finally, if you’re really desperate, you can rely on breaking Behemoth parts. The hunt pass drops on these are random, which means you won’t be getting them each time. On the upside, the harder the Behemoth, the chunkier the hunt pass drop. Provided you get it, of course.

And that’s pretty much it. Snatch all the collectibles you can each day, make sure you complete your weekly challenges every week and try to break Behemoth parts whenever you can. That last one will probably be the deciding factor, since it’s the only one without a cap. Especially if you can’t devote a certain amount of your daily time to the game consistently.

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Ketchua has been writing about games for far too long. As Señor Editor, he produces words (and stuff) for Gosunoob. There are a lot of words (and stuff) there, so he's terribly busy. Especially if you need something.