Division 2 Weasel, Dizzy, Ricochet - Second Raid Boss
Weasel, Dizzy, and Ricochet together make the second raid boss in the Division 2 Dark Hours Raid, and naturally, people have been wondering how to kill this second raid boss. The fact is that they’re tied to a similar mechanic, but there are two stages to the battle, and there are some tricks to make the Weasel boss at least a bit easier. In order to beat the second Dark Hours raid boss in Division 2, the color of the gas is important, as well as very tight teamwork. So, welcome to our guide, where we’ll show you how to beat Oliver Weasel Gordon, Ben Dizzy Carter & Carl Ricochet Dawson second Dark Hours raid boss in Division 2.

How to Kill Ben Dizzy Carter & Carl Ricochet Dawson in Division 2 Dark Hours Raid?
To kill Dizzy Carter and Ricochet Dawson in the Dark Hours Raid, you’ll have to change the color of the gas from purple to orange. Before starting the fight, split up into two groups of four and go to separate sides of the plane. Select the tankiest from both teams to approach the panels in the center of the plane. There are three panels – front (closer to the plane’s nose), middle, and far *the plane’s tail). One side will have a green panel. Communicate to the other side which one it is, and press them at the same time to start the encounter.
After the bosses spawn, the people on panel duty will have to always keep an eye on them. Periodically, you’ll have to press the two panels at the same time to keep the gas filling the room orange. When it turns purple, it’ll debuff you, and you’ll do next to no damage. So, always communicate which panel is green, and coordinate to press them at the same time. This will keep the gas orange, and you’ll be able to pummel Dizzy and Ricochet.
Now, it’s of vital importance to kill Dizzy and Ricochet at the same time. As soon as one of them dies, the panels will rise, and the next phase will begin, and you’ll have to fight two bosses again, but in a much tougher situation. It’s still possible to pull it off, but very much not recommended.
Oliver Weasel Gordon – How to Beat Dark Hours Raid Second Boss in Division 2?
To beat Oliver Weasel Gordon, the second boss of the Division 2 Dark Hours Raid, you’ll have to shoot him only when the gas is orange. When it’s purple, you can’t do jack squat to him, so either run or duck behind cover. While you’re doing this loop, adds will spawn to make your life that much more miserable, some of them snipers. So, have a player or two on add duty while the rest DPS Weasel.
Once you kill one of the previous two bosses, this phase will begin. The panels will rise out of your reach, and the purple gas-orange gas cycle will begin. This is why you need to kill Dizzy and Ricochet close to simultaneously. You don’t want to be dealing with one of them, the adds, and Weasel on top. Other than that, the loop is simple. Stay in cover when the gas is purple, open fire when it’s orange. It’s easier said than done, but if you persevere, Weasel will go down eventually.
So, that’s how to beat Weasel, Dizzy, and Ricochet, the second boss in the Division 2 Dark Hours Raid. In case you encounter further difficulties, as you likely will, head on over to our Division 2 Operation Dark Hours Raid Guide for further info. Or, if you’re still stuck on the first boss, may I direct you to our Division 2 How to Kill Boomer – First Raid Boss guide.