Dying Light 2 Stay Human Second Livestream Coming Soon

The developers of Dying Light 2 Stay Human, Techland, have announced their second Dying2Know livestream. The event will happen on July 1st at 9PM CEST. During the last livestream, among other things, they showed off a relatively long gameplay trailer and revealed the game’s release date. I don’t expect that there will be such “bombshell” reveals in the second stream, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t tune in. We might get to see new gameplay footage and will definitely learn more about the game from the developers.

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dying light 2 stay human second livestream coming soon
Dying Light 2 Stay Human Second Livestream Coming Soon

Next Dying2Know Livestream for Dying Light 2 Announced

If you’re interested in knowing more about Dying Light 2 Stay Human, you should definitely tune into the second Dying2Know livestream. As we’ve said, the developers are going to hold the event on Thursday, July 1st, at 9PM CEST / 3PM Eastern time / 12PM Pacific Time / 8PM British Time. If you want to watch the livestream, you can do so on Techland’s official Twitch account.

Now, as we’ve already said, and covered in a previous article, the first Dying2Know stream was an interesting watch. We learned more about the game’s world, and we got a gameplay trailer and the release date. I’d imagine we’re going to get more info about the setting and other such stuff in the second stream, and maybe even some new gameplay. Perhaps in this one, they’ll tell us more about the factions, or the layout of the city, or how Aiden’s wristband gadget actually works. We’ll just have to wait and see.

Dying Light 2 Stay Human is coming out on December 7th, 2021. You’ll be able to play it on PC, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S. You can already pre-order the game, if you so choose. It comes in Standard, Deluxe, and Ultimate editions, in ca se you want to shell out more money for some extra stuff.

Author JoeTheBard profile picture
A language teacher and video game enthusiast turned rogue, Joe is on a quest to become the ultimate gaming journalist. This is somewhat hampered by his belief that the golden age of gaming ended with the PlayStation One, but he doesn't let that stop him. His favorite games include Soul Reaver and Undertale. Other interests are D'n'D, dad rock, complaining about movies, and being the self-appointed office funny man, which nobody else agrees with.