Fortnite Combat Shotgun Added in Season 9, Pump Vaulted

Combat Shotgun is a new weapon added to Fortnite in Season 9, while the Pump Shotgun has been vaulted. The Fortnite Season 9 Combat Shotgun is a semi-automatic shotgun, which can hold 10 shells. The burst is really precise, and it can do some pretty good damage. You can find it wherever you find weapons normally, and it comes in Rate, Epic, and Legendary.

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Fortnite Combat Shotgun Added in Season 9, Pump Vaulted
Fortnite Combat Shotgun Added in Season 9, Pump Vaulted

There’s a brand new weapon in Fortnite Season 9 – the Combat Shotgun. It’s pretty sweet. According to the patch notes, it’s semi-automatic, and can hold ten shells. It can fire nine pellets per shot for 73 / 77 / 81 base damage. It has a tight spread and a fast fire rate, and boasts a headshot multiplier of 1.70x. Plus, it reloads two shells at a time. The combat shotgun comes in Rare, Epic, and Legendary variants, and you can find it from Floor, Chests, Supply Drops, and Vending Machines. As for the Tactical Assault Rifle unveiled through a leak, that one we’ll still have to wait for.

Also, with Season 9, we welcome back Grenades, which have now been unvaulted. The patch also introduces some tweaks to other weapons, including the Tactical Shotgun, Drum Gun, and Boom Bow. However, it’s not all daisies. We bid now a fond, and probably temporary, farewell to the Pump Shotgun. It will be missed. Other weapons and items now in the Vault include Clingers, Buried Treasure, Poison Dart Trap, Scoped Revolver, Suppressed Assault Rifle, Thermal Assault Rifle (NO!) and Balloons. Will we ever see them again? I’d assume that some stuff will make a return some day. Until then, there’s plenty to keep you busy.

If you want further info on what the new season of Fortnite has to bring, especially the Fortbytes, check out some of our other articles, including Fortbyte 36 Location – Accessible By Sentinel on Frozen Island, Fortbyte Locations & How to Get, and Season 9 Patch Notes Reveal New Collectible Fortbytes.

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A language teacher and video game enthusiast turned rogue, Joe is on a quest to become the ultimate gaming journalist. This is somewhat hampered by his belief that the golden age of gaming ended with the PlayStation One, but he doesn't let that stop him. His favorite games include Soul Reaver and Undertale. Other interests are D'n'D, dad rock, complaining about movies, and being the self-appointed office funny man, which nobody else agrees with.